Quit Your Slave Job

If every day you go to someone else’s establishment, work on their schedule, do everything they say, and make money for them, then I’m sorry to bear bad news, but you might be a slave. If you often awake to an alarm clock smothering your dreams to death with a pillow then you very well might be a slave. If you went into debt so you could spend the best years of your life qualifying for a piece of paper to qualify for a salary-wage job, then you’re likely a slave. Even if you work in a fancy high-rise building, a compartmentalized neck-tie drone in some sociopathic hierarchy, you might still just be an office slave, an expendable rung on the corporate ladder.

No matter how attractive the position, whenever you work for someone else, your financial means of subsistence, your ability to provide food, water, and shelter for your family, is completely in the hands of another person. Regardless of pension promises or signed contracts, the real fact of the matter is there is no “job security” in working for someone else. If at any time for any reason the boss has a problem with you, the market goes south, your contract’s over, the clientele fades, the account goes red, or the business goes belly-up, then you’re high and dry on your way to becoming an unemployment statistic. Tenures get overturned, pensions get sucked away, and promises of rich retirements are rarely worth the wait. Real job security and financial freedom means owning your own business (and refusing to pay any taxes, fees or fines from the mafia government that wants to keep you their slave).

The only true success that exists is when we find a way to make a living doing exactly what we want. When you wake up every morning and create your day exactly how you dream it to be, that is success. When your passion and your work are aligned, when you would do your job for free because you like it so much, that is success. The root of “work” and “worship” are the same, and if you’re living your dreams aligned with your passions, doing what you were placed here on Earth to do, then your work really is like your worship, your service to the world.

Slave jobs are great for when you need quick reliable short-term income to get back on your feet or gather start-up capital for your next venture, but remaining someone’s slave for too long, even high-paid lap-dogs will eventually wish to leave their master. No matter how attractive the position, whenever you work for someone else, you will always be selling your time wholesale to someone who is profiting from you retail. No boss can afford to pay any employee the amount of money which that employee brings to the company, as that would cause the business to bankrupt.  The only way to run a profitable business is to pay employees less than they’re worth, usually far less. So if you are working for someone else, your financial stability is completely in their hands, and it is guaranteed that they are paying you less than you are worth.

You can’t just up and quit your slave job without some serious planning and hard work though. There are several steps that all wage slaves must take before riding the entrepreneurial underground railroad to financial freedom.

The first step to quitting your slave job and manifesting your dream lifestyle is getting a clear picture of your life’s purpose. What were you born to do? What makes you happy? What is your true passion? What would you like to spend your days doing? If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do with your life? Once the answers to those questions form a clear image in your head, step two is imagining and creating a product or service aligned with your purpose. For instance, if your absolute favorite thing in life is skateboarding, always has been and always will be, it makes you happy and it’s your favorite way to spend your time, then your step one is simple and complete. Your step two would be deciding what marketable aspect of your passion appeals most to you. Would you like to open a skate shop? Would you like to manufacture skateboards? Would you like to design them? Would you like to teach skating? Would you like to make skating videos or start a skating magazine? How would you most like to express your passion and how can you use it to enrich, inspire, empower and add value to others?

Once your vision is clear, step three is to get free of all debt. If you quit your slave job but still owe debts to the bank or anyone else, then you are no less of a slave. So it is crucial that you pay off all your debts (and don’t take on any more!) To pay off your debts, you must make sure your monthly expenditures always remain lower than your monthly slave income. If your expenditures are too high you must find ways to thriftily cut corners so that you can always stay in the black. Calculate your slave salary minus your monthly expenses equals the amount you can put away each month towards your debt. Also note that if you are able to pay ahead on the principle (and not just the monthly minimum) you can exponentially cut down the total interest due.

Once you are debt free, step four is to take the difference between your slave salary and your monthly expenditures and start saving it! You will need to save up enough money to cover two important costs: the start-up expenses for your entrepreneurial venture, and a savings safety net to fall back on. To calculate your start-up costs add up all the expenses you will need to create and get your product or service on the market. This includes things like materials, advertizing, transportation, consultations, shipping, rentals, any and all potential expenses necessary to start your venture. Beyond this you will also need a savings safety net, enough money to cover your living expenses for several months kept away as an emergency fund in case any unexpected problems arise (which they will). Calculate your average monthly living expenses and save at least 3-12 times that for use if you’re ever having trouble living off your business’ income alone.

While in the saving phase, now is the time to start your business. If you quit your job first then try to start your venture, it will likely fail to bring in enough reliable income to sustain you, since building a reliable, sustainable income usually takes time. So you will essentially have to work two jobs for a while; your slave job from 9-5, and your dream job from 5-9 (and make sure to get enough sleep in there somewhere). If your business sells a product then you will need to start manufacturing, advertizing, and making sales whenever possible in your down-time. If your business sells a service you will need to refine, advertize and start providing your service on nights and weekends (or whenever you are free). This process of promotion and building a loyal customer base could feasibly take anywhere from a couple months to a couple years.

Advertizing and self-promotion is usually the most difficult, most time and money-consuming part of growing a successful business, but it is also the most important, because without finding some reliable and effective advertizing methods, you will never secure a stable customer base. Once word spreads and repeat sales start coming in, the final step to financial freedom is growing the monthly income from your business until it exceeds your monthly living expenses. When you’re making all the money you need to sustain yourself from your own business then you’re ready! It’s time to quit your slave job and live your dream life!

Life is too beautiful to waste living for someone else. Work and play are too important to be separated. If you love your job so much that you would do it for free then you are certainly on the right path, but anything less than that is selling yourself short. When people say “there just aren’t enough good jobs,” or when governments and corporations act like they’re economic saviors by “creating jobs” for us, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that there are, have always been, and always will be just as many “jobs” as there are people on the planet! If you have two functioning arms and half a brain then there will always be work that you can do. What the governments and corporations won’t tell you is that it’s up to you to create your own job, find your own niche passion, add value to the market, and that’s the reality of “job creation.” Being “employed” means being a slave, so don’t worry about the ever-rising “unemployment rate.” In a perfect world every single person would be unemployed (and unemployable!) because they are already making an income doing exactly the work that they worship.

I Am That I Am

Until now, the prevailing Newtonian mechanistic worldview has dominated Western culture, science and metaphysics for hundreds of years. The idea that we live in an unintelligently designed universe – the idea that out of nowhere, nothing, for no reason spontaneously became everything, has been accepted as scientific gospel. This atheistic, nihilistic, purely materialistic paradigm presented by believers of Big Bang evolution, however, cannot explain the multitude of non-physical, non-local findings in quantum mechanics. They cannot explain how consciousness, intelligence and life supposedly evolved from unconscious, unintelligent, dead matter. They cannot explain why apple seeds grow apple trees and pear seeds grow pear trees, or how arm cells know to be arms and leg cells know to be legs. They cannot explain the holographic universe or morphogenic fields, the placebo effect, psychoneuroimmunology, acupuncture, the aura, chi/prana or remote healing; telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance, precognition and the entirety of psi science; they cannot explain out-of body or near-death experiences, ghosts, entheogens, the soul, the spirit world or reincarnation.

Although the true nature of the Universe has been known and taught throughout the ages by many and varied sources throughout the world, all of which are highly consistent and in broad agreement, it is also now being substantiated by the work of modern quantum physics, and increasingly by other branches of the sciences as well. All areas of the sciences will surely soon have to accept the fact that true Universal reality is not and never can be based entirely in the familiar three-dimensional world of physical matter as has been assumed since the days of Isaac Newton, but is rather an infinite, multi-dimensional reality, a Universe of living Consciousness of which everyone and everything without exception is an integral and equal aspect. The true nature of the Universe will certainly challenge the perceptions of most people, if for no other reason that throughout the ages there has been a prevalent misperception of a ‘God’ who is completely separate from everyone and everything else in existence, and who ‘rules’ over ‘his’ three dimensional world of matter from high places.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality”

The emerging wisdom of spiritual science has rendered the atheist materialist paradigm extinct. Consciousness, life, the beautiful diversity, complexity and interconnectedness of nature and the universe are not the result of some random coincidental physical phenomenon. Remember, the odds against our universe containing the precise physical forces and attributes necessary to sustain life is one octillion to one. In other words, there is only a 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance that the universe was unintelligently designed. So if there is an intelligent designer, a creative force beyond all space, time and matter, what are the properties of this entity? Theologists and metaphysicians throughout history have agreed that this intelligent creative force must by definition be all-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful (omnipotent), and all-present (omnipresent). Furthermore, by definition if “God,” an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being exists, then we all must be a part of it! In my Asbestos Head book I wrote:

“Either God is causal, singular and separate – an outside entity somehow responsible for His own existence, the creation of the universe, and the creation of other beings to recognize Him, or existence is non-causal, plural, parts and whole of all that is with nothing outside Us because We’re all infinite self-reflexive pieces of God interacting, changing, acting out eternity.

Many people are happy to accept the notion that God is some external entity like a bearded white man in the clouds who created us and watches over the universe like a cosmic fishbowl. Others are happy to accept that there is no God and the universe, consciousness, life, matter, space and time are all the result of a random spontaneous big bang accident. Personally, neither of these ideas have ever resonated with me, and both are relatively modern. If instead we consult the most ancient culture and the oldest texts in recorded history, the Indian Vedas, a very different story presents itself:

“Here’s a parable, an analogy, which comes from India, from the Upanishads, and is thousands of years old. It presents a parabolic answer to the root question of all religion and philosophy (Who am I and what is this?), and does so in a way which everyone can relate to. In the beginning of the world (and though it probably had no ultimate ‘beginning’ as we think of them, you have to start somewhere), there was only Brahma. Being all there was, and therefore totally known to himself, Brahma soon realized that this totality of awareness would eventually become extremely boring . . . after all, when you know everything there is to know, then there’s no surprise, nothing to keep you interested. It’s like reading the same book for the seventy-eight millionth time. Anyway, since he was omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (all-everywhere), Brahma decided to create a diversion for himself, a way of introducing the elements of surprise, intrigue and drama into his experience. He thought, ‘What would it be like to forget who I really am?’ So, he invented the game of cosmic hide-and-seek. According to the rules of this game, Brahma would pretend to break pieces of himself off from the whole so that to all appearances they would seem separate. That’s the ‘hide’ part. Then, as the apparently separate consciousness at the center of each of those apparently separate pieces, and through their apparently separate and unique perspectives, he would ‘seek’ to rediscover who he really was, which was, of course, everything. Imagine seeing yourself from an infinite number of different perspectives, each one initially ignorant of its relationship to all the rest. Imagine going to sleep and dreaming a different lifetime each night, each lasting for more or less years, each complete with the full range and variety of emotional life and death details. Imagine having the same dream but playing a different role in it each night, seeing it through different eyes each time. Well, guess who those apparently separate pieces are? Since there is only one I Am in the universe, one consciousness, it’s all a game of hide-and-seek, and each one of us is in the same state: I’m IT AND You’re IT!” -Roger Stephens, “A Dangerous Book” (22-23)

Brahma, God, Tao, Universal Mind, the One, the Void, the Field, Infinite Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, by definition is everything, exists everywhere, and is completely known to itself. Try to picture, if that was your reality, what would you do with your existence? What can you do with your existence as an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresence with nothing unknown or outside yourself? There really is only one possibility. You play make-believe. Hide and seek.

Since you are the One objective infinite consciousness, to hide from yourself you must first divide your sense of self into several subjective finite packets of consciousness. At and as the root of each of these subjective packets of consciousness will be the feeling of “I am” and “I am not” – the feeling of existing as an individual entity separated from the totality. With that, the hiding part is complete.

The next step is creating a sensory rich, holographic, and ultimately illusory material world and physical bodies where these subjective awarenesses can interact, play and experience. To best accommodate this, since God is a singularity, the material world must be a world of duality, a world of polar opposites, where each soul, each individuated facet of God may experience the heights, depths, and breadth of possibility, so there must exist both good and evil, male and female, positive and negative, pleasure and pain, birth and death, inhale and exhale, black and white, dark and light, day and night, sun and moon, yin and yang, intelligence and ignorance and so on and so forth.

The one golden rule and driving force of God’s universal hide and seek game is called karma, or cause and effect, what goes around comes around, do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, because fundamentally there is no “you” or “others,” there is only God, the one true Self. Your physical body, your name, your entire human identity and the feeling of being an individual entity separated from the totality is a secondary and ultimately illusory experience of the One true being. Your feeling of being Tom, Dick or Harry is a purposely induced state of amnesia so that the creator may experience His creation. Each subjective packet of consciousness, each soul, ultimately is and wishes to reunite with the One, Tao, God, Brahma. But life as Brahma, to be honest, gets boring and sometimes Brahma would rather play hide and seek. God wants to experience through you what it is like to be you, a fractal fragment of Himself. Thus begins lifetimes of cyclical hiding and seeking, karmic creation and destruction, moving away from and back towards God, your true Self.

In the Eastern view, then, the division of nature into separate objects is not fundamental and any such objects have a fluid and ever-changing character. The Eastern world view is therefore intrinsically dynamic and contains time and change as essential features. The cosmos is seen as one inseparable reality – for ever in motion, alive, organic; spiritual and material at the same time. Since motion and change are essential properties of things, the forces causing the motion are not outside the objects, as in the classical Greek view, but are an intrinsic property of matter. Correspondingly, the Eastern image of the Divine is not that of a ruler who directs the world from above, but of a principle that controls everything from within: He who, dwelling in all things, Yet is other than all things, Whom all things do not know, Whose body all things are, Who controls all things from within – He is your Soul, the Inner Controller, The Immortal.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (24-5)

Think of the difference between a droplet of water and the ocean; the droplet symbolizes the sense of division, of being an individual ‘me’, unconnected to anything else. This is like identifying with being ‘Bill Bloggs’ or ‘Ethel Jones’. But, put that droplet back in the ocean, and where does the ocean end and the droplet begin? There is no beginning and no end, no Alpha and Omega, because all is One. At that level there is no ‘we’ – only an Infinite ‘I’. Part of that ocean may be calm and peaceful and another may be angry and rough, but it is still the same ocean, the same Oneness. We are always the ocean, always Infinite Awareness, and we cannot literally become disconnected from that. However, when we forget who we are, we can be confused into a sense of division, of being the droplet, and we perceive reality through the tiny lens that this creates in our minds … We are the ocean, Infinite Awareness, but we believe we are just a little powerless, insignificant droplet. We identify with division and ‘parts’, not unity.” –David Icke, “The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy” (3)

Another way to understand this concept is through dreams. In dreams you create entire worlds, environments, situations, and even other people. You interact and converse, create conflict and resolutions, get emotional and involved, but suddenly when you wake up from the dream you realize that all those environments, situations, and other people were really all you! They only seemed like separate individuals because of the level of consciousness you were operating on at the time. It is the same in this world, where you think you are a separate person, but in fact when you die, a piece of God wakes up to realize He was only dreaming.

To many, the statement ‘I am God’ rings of blasphemy. God, according to conventional religion, is the supreme deity, the almighty eternal omniscient creator. How can any lowly human being claim that he or she is God? Yet when mystics say ‘I am God,’ or words to that effect, they are not talking of an individual person. Their inner explorations have revealed the true nature of the self, and it is this that they identify with God. They are claiming that the essence of self, the sense of ‘I am’ without any personal attributes, is God. The contemporary scholar and mystic Thomas Merton put it very clearly: If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence and my own present reality, the indefinable am that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am which is the very Name of the Almighty. ‘I am’ is one of the Hebrew names of God, Yahweh. Derived from the Hebrew YHWH, the unspeakable name of God, it is often translated as ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ Similar claims appear in Eastern traditions. The great Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi said: ‘I am’ is the name of God… God is none other than the Self. In the twelfth century, Ibn-Al-Arabi, one of the most revered Sufi mystics, wrote: If thou knowest thine own self, thou knowest God. Shankara, the eighth-century Indian saint, whose insights revitalized Hindu teachings, said of his own enlightenment: I am Brahman… I dwell within all beings as the soul, the pure consciousness, the ground of all phenomena… In the days of my ignorance, I used to think of these as being separate from myself. Now I know that I am All.” -Peter Russell, “From Science to God”

Since people always misinterpret the phrase “I am God,” I prefer to explain it as “I am, is God.” The self-awareness and continuity of being expressed by the words “I am,” our inner witness and intuition, is our direct channel to God. It is undeniable that if God is omnipresent, then He must exist in you, He must be you, and everyone and everything else in existence as well. We are all playing an equal part as lost ripples in God’s infinite ocean of consciousness.

There is a Hindu myth that human consciousness began as a ripple that decided to leave the ocean of ‘consciousness as such, timeless, spaceless, infinite and eternal.’ Awakening to itself, it forgot that it was a part of this infinite ocean, and felt isolated and separated. Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden may also be a version of this myth, an ancient memory of how human consciousness, somewhere in its unfathomable past, left its home in the implicate and forgot that it was a part of the cosmic wholeness of all things. In this view the earth is a kind of playground in which one is free to experience all the pleasures of the flesh provided one realizes that one is a holographic projection of a higher-order.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (300)

In the Judaic Kabbalistic belief this concept is present as the entirety of creation is seen as “an illusory projection of the transcendental aspects of God.” In Christianity it is said the Father and Son are one, thy Father art in heaven (the non-physical) but the Son lives in the flesh (the physical). The Father is Brahman, the ultimate objective implicate reality, and the Son is Atman, a fractal fragment of the One sent to experience and enjoy the Father’s creation. The Mother Mary is nature, or Mahamaya, the sustainer of the material world. She is the illusion maker, the agent of change, keeping all things from atoms to galaxies in constant motion and flux between polarities. It is her dynamic endless dance of forms which keeps us from realizing that there is ultimately no such thing as separateness.   The Upanishads state that “one should know that nature is an illusion (maya), and that Brahman is the illusion maker. This whole world is pervaded with beings that are parts of him.”

The basic recurring theme in Hindu mythology is the creation of the world by the self-sacrifice of God -‘sacrifice’ in the original sense of ‘making sacred’- whereby God becomes the world which, in the end, becomes again God. This creative activity of the Divine is called Ma, the play of God, and the world is seen as the stage of the divine play. As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya. Maya, therefore, does not mean that the world is an illusion, as is often wrongly stated. The illusion merely lies in our point of view, if we think that the shapes and structures, things and events, around us are realities of nature, instead of realizing that they are concepts of our measuring and categorizing minds. Maya is the illusion of taking these concepts for reality, of confusing the map with the territory. In the Hindu view of nature, then, all forms are relative, fluid and ever-changing maya, conjured up by the great magician of the divine play.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (87-8)

In the Vedanta our individual souls, our separate subjective packets of “I am” consciousness are called “atman” and the One unified objective infinite wellspring of consciousness from which everyone’s atman arises is “Brahman.” Atman is our divided, dualistic self and Brahman is our whole true Self, but fundamentally it is taught that Atman is Brahman and Brahman is Atman. Your true Self beyond this earthly identity is not divided and dualistic, your true Self is not separate and subjective, your true Self is not Jack, Jill, Joe, Jen, Jim, John, James or Jason, your true Self is the same as my true Self as everyone’s true Self is God.

This ultimate reality is called ‘Brahman’ and is exactly the same as ‘The One’, ‘The All’, Spirit, ‘everything that is’, and in the West might be regarded as the true definition of ‘God’. Brahman, Universal Consciousness, considered to be the ultimate reality, is infinite, exists beyond the five physical senses and is incomprehensible. Most ancient wisdoms of the world teach that human beings are ‘God’ in the microcosm, immortal Spirits ‘made’ in the ‘true image of God’. Hinduism teaches the same principle in the form of ‘Atman’ which is equivalent to the human Soul. The Hindu culture teaches Atman and Brahman, the individual reality and the ultimate reality are one.” -Adrian Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (26-7)

The Hindus call the implicate level of reality Brahman. Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in visible reality, which appear out of it and then enfold back into it in endless flux. Like Bohm, who says that the implicate order can just as easily be called spirit, the Hindus sometimes personify this level of reality and say that it is composed of pure consciousness. Thus, consciousness is not only a subtler form of matter, but it is more fundamental than matter; and in the Hindu cosmogony it is matter that has emerged from consciousness, and not the other way around.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (288

Finally, quantum physicists like David Bohm and consciousness researchers like Peter Russell have now proven what the world’s most ancient spiritual teachings have long espoused for thousands of years – the faculty of consciousness is primary to the creation of the material world. A conscious observer must first exist to collapse the wave function allowing particles to manifest into the explicate reality. This means that before the creation of the material world there must have existed a self-aware conscious observer (God) and every physical manifestation is actually the result of His conscious creation.

The basic elements of the world view which has been developed in all these traditions are the same. These elements also seem to be the fundamental features of the world view emerging from modern physics. The most important characteristic of the Eastern world view – one could almost say the essence of it – is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. All things are seen as interdependent and inseparable parts of this cosmic whole; as different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. The Eastern traditions constantly refer to this ultimate, indivisible reality which manifests itself in all things, and of which all things are parts. It is called Brahman in Hinduism, Dharmakaya in Buddhism, Tao in Taoism. Because it transcends all concepts and categories, Buddhists also call it Tathata, or Suchness: What is meant by the soul as suchness, is the oneness of the totality of all things, the great all-including whole. In ordinary life, we are not aware of this unity of all things, but divide the world into separate objects and events. This division is, of course, useful and necessary to cope with our everyday environment, but it is not a fundamental feature of reality. It is an abstraction devised by our discriminating and categorizing intellect. To believe that our abstract concepts of separate ‘things’ and ‘events’ are realities of nature is an illusion. Hindus and Buddhists tell us that this illusion is based on avidya, or ignorance, produced by a mind under the spell of maya. The principal aim of the Eastern mystical traditions is therefore to readjust the mind by centering and quietening it through meditation. The Sanskrit term for meditation Samadhi – means literally ‘mental equilibrium’. It refers to the balanced and tranquil state of mind in which the basic unity of the universe is experienced: Entering into the samadhi of purity, one obtains all-penetrating insight that enables one to become conscious of the absolute oneness of the universe.” -Fritjof Capra, “The Tao of Physics” (130-1)


Jesus Christ the Magic Mushroom

The Bible talks about sacred “Manna” that the Israelites ate in the desert. Many clues are given as to just what Manna is. The Bible says Manna was a small round edible object that appeared on the ground after dew had fallen. If the Manna was left out in the Sun too long it would breed worms and stink. Exodus 16:14 reads, “And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.” Exodus 16:20 continues, “…some of them left of it till the morning, and it bred worms, and stank.” The small, round, edible objects which when left in the Sun rot, breed worms, and stink are none other than mushrooms.

“Manna was thought of as being produced miraculously (IE: birth without seed). This is a perfect botanical description of a mushroom. Birth without seed (miraculous) is due to spores being microscopic and not visible to the naked eye. Jesus describes the Mannas in detail in the book of John. In this story Jesus attempts to make clear; of manna, there are two different ones/kinds. He describes the manna that he is giving the disciples (last supper) as the Manna that bestows immortality. His statement, unless you have eaten his flesh/body (Soma/Manna), and drink of his blood (Soma Juice), you have no life in you, takes on a whole new meaning in light of this discovery. The Manna is directly associated with the fruit of the Tree of Life in the 2nd chapter of the book of Revelation. It is the reward for those who overcome (the lies of the world). The ‘Fruit of the Tree’, the ‘Hidden Manna’ and the ‘Small White Stone’ are spoken of separately, but in the same context. All of these are symbols for the Amanita muscaria.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (16-17)

John 6:31-41 reads, “Our fathers did eat manna in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. Then Jesus said unto them, verily verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven … Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life … The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread that came down from heaven.”

Priests and pastors vehemently deny that “the true bread, the bread from heaven” is a mushroom, but have a difficult time explaining it as literal bread. Bread is not a small, round thing found dew-covered in the wilderness. Nor does it contain any of the mystical properties bestowed upon it. This is undeniably a reference to the magic mushroom.

“The concept of the literal ingestion of the body of God is highly downplayed by religious scholars of today. The body (soma) being a fleshy Mushroom is much more palatable than trying to stomach cannibalism or the transformation of ordinary substances. Many questions should be asked about this cosmopolitan idea of the ‘Sacramental Substance’. Unfortunately, the religious experts shun the notion, insisting that the entire idea is nothing more than symbolic. A symbol points at something else, not usually at another symbology. The Catholic church, in the early 1100’s, decided to have the final word on this subject by establishing (under Emperor/Pope Innocent III) the ‘Doctrine of Trans-Substantiation’. This is whereby, the Priests, by their assumed holy power, claim to be able to say some magical words, and turn ordinary bread into the literal ‘Body of God’. This event is one of the biggest evil deceptions of all time, is an undermining of the basic esoteric aspects of the religion, and is, arguably, the most horrible and damning event to ever happen to Christendom, and as such the entire human race. Jesus clearly describes the Manna that he calls his body in the book of John. Repeatedly describing the ‘Thing/Manna’ as a substance hidden from the world, but revealed to his disciples. Understanding the last supper story becomes as simplistic as it gets, if you know how to decipher the event. Adamantly; Jesus says, ‘Take and eat, This is my Body.’” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (18)

John 6:53-6 reads, “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily verily I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.”

Jesus says this is my body, this is my blood, and lest ye drink/eat of this you have no life in you! These are strong words, thus it is important to realize that the substances Jesus referred to are not communion wafers and grape wine. The amanita had long before Christianity been known as “the flesh of the gods” and “the blood of the gods” and this is what is meant.

“This is saying pretty clearly that the eating and drinking is physical. My body is flesh indeed, and my blood is drink indeed, and the added statement that when you eat, it is inside of you leaves little room for debate that this is a substance, not a phantom symbol alone. For those who choose to debate this I ask that they show me their substance because according to Jesus’ words unless you eat and drink of ‘It’ you have no life in you. By the way, do I really need to mention that this is not some strange reference to Cannibalism? I sure hope not, if you still think this, read on. Somewhere, some of this must convince you that he is not saying to take a bite out of his arm, or any other piece of his actual anatomy … In my opinion, the magical act of ‘Trans-Substantiation’ has no merit. The statement that Jesus makes ‘Unless you eat and drink you have no life in you’ would seem to condemn the replacement of whatever the real thing is with a placebo (substitute).” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (29-30)

Shiva the Hindu god is a hermaphrodite with one testicle, a penis, vagina, and one breast. This is another personification of the mushroom just like Mithra. The first stage of the mushroom is considered male as it looks like a penis. Then the stem pushes the ball/uterus/breast up out of the egg. As the arms of the mushroom cap open to the sides, it’s as though the female aspect opens from the male “rib.”

Jesus, like Krishna, Dionysus, and the other mushroom gods, stands with legs together, wears a crown of thorns, and a sash on his waist while being crucified. His legs together with arms outstretched on the cross make the same “T” shape as the mushroom during its optimum Round Table stage. The sash worn by Jesus is the ruffle found halfway up the stem of all amanitas, and Jesus’ thorny crown is the thorny mushroom top. The reason Jesus is crucified and tells us to eat his body is that the mushroom must die for us to eat it.

“The fact that the mushrooms must be dried before consumption is another euphemism of the god needing to die, or sacrifice himself, to save mankind through atonement (at-one-ment) … It can be argued that if you trace all of the gods back through time it may be possible to find the original. This original resides in the myths of the gods themselves, as those aspects that remain the same. ‘Take and eat, this is my body’ is the central theme. All of the ancient god myths contain some sort of a sacramental food, and anthropomorphically this food becomes, at some point, a personification of the god itself.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (53)

Jesus dies for your sins. Sin was originally an archery term meaning “to miss the mark.” The mushroom dies so you may eat it, and the introspective experiences it brings washes away your sins. You understand how you’ve “missed the mark” in life. This is the original meaning, but the Church has perverted this idea into a guilt mechanism, scaring people with hell and trapping them to “repent” in confession booths.

While on the cross, Jesus is stabbed in the rib and his blood comes out and is collected in the Holy Grail. This idea of a “side wounded savior” was a common theme among pre-Christian gods. The Vatican and Templars have promoted the idea that the Shroud of Turin, the Spear of Longinus/Destiny, and the Holy Grail are actual artifacts, but in fact they are all occult symbolism from ancient mushroom mythologies.

Proverbs 5:15 reads “drink water from your own cistern, drink water from your own well.” John 7:37-8 says, “Jesus stood and cried saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He shall believeth on me as the scripture hath said, out of his body shall flow rivers of living water.” Jesus is said to have turned water into wine and speaks of drinking water from him and from your own well/cistern. What does all this mean?

“The active ingredients of the amanita mushrooms are not metabolized by the body, and so they remain active in the urine. In fact, it is safer to drink the urine of one who has consumed the mushrooms than to eat the mushrooms directly, as many of the toxic compounds are processed and eliminated on the first pass through the body. It was common practice among ancient people to recycle the potent effects of the mushroom by drinking each other’s urine. The amanita’s ingredients can remain potent even after six passes through the human body. Some scholars argue that this is the origin of the phrase ‘to get pissed,’ as this urine-drinking activity preceded alcohol by thousands of years. Often the urine of tripped-out reindeer would be consumed for its psychedelic effects. This effect goes the other way too, as reindeer also enjoy the urine of a human, especially one who has consumed the mushrooms. In fact, reindeer will seek out human urine to drink, and some [Siberian] tribesmen carry sealskin containers of their own collected piss, which they use to attract stray reindeer back into the herd.” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

Is this why you often see stone water fountains with little boys urinating into upturned levels looking like mushrooms?  Jesus is often depicted holding up a white flag with a red cross on it, the symbol of the Knights Templar/Masons. Do the red and white flag of Jesus and clothing of the Knights Templar refer to the amanita muscaria?

John Allegro, Oxford graduate and world’s leading philologist, was commissioned to translate the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls. But after his book “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” released and he died, the Catholic Church quickly bought the copyright and buried it; one Vatican insider quoted saying it would never again see the light of day. It is currently sparsely available in e-book format but has been out of print for years (Meanwhile Dan Brown is shaking hands with the Pope and pseudo-conspiritainment like “Da Vinci Code” is a best selling book and movie).

[John] Allegro linguistically linked the SOMA (Greek=Body), the Manna (Sumerian = Mushroom), (of which there are two kinds), the names Jesus, James, and John, the Fruit of the tree of Knowledge, and the symbol of the cross, to the Amanita muscaria, by stating that all of these names and terms (and others) were synonyms and wordplay for the hidden identity of the mushroom. Needless to say, he had the religious scholars doing flips. The biblical apologists instantly jumped on the bandwagon of attempting to disprove anything he said. Although he did stretch the boundaries of some established scholarship, the proof is in the pudding (so to speak) and most of his associations are beyond repute.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (16)

“The Dead Sea Scrolls, found in caves near Qumran in 1947, have offered a greater insight into the Essenes’ lifestyle and beliefs, despite suppression by the authorities who wish to maintain the official version of history. The scrolls were hidden from the Romans during the ill-fated Judean revolt around 70 AD. Some 500 Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts were found, which included texts from the Old Testament, among them a complete draft of the Book of Isaiah, centuries older than the one in the Bible. There were scores of documents relating to the Essene customs and organization. The scrolls confirm that the Essenes were fanatics who followed to the letter the Levite inventions in the Old Testament texts. Anyone who didn’t do the same was their enemy and they fiercely opposed the Roman occupation … The Essenes had a detailed understanding of drugs, including the hallucinogenic variety, which were used in mystery school initiations and for entering other states of consciousness. The properties of the ‘sacred mushrooms’ or ‘Holy Plant’ were so much part of life in the secret brotherhood that the Jewish high priest wore a mushroom cap to acknowledge their importance. They had special rituals for their preparation and use. The mushroom, too, was given son of God’ connotations (what wasn’t?) and it was connected to the Sun cycle. The mushrooms were picked with great reverence before sunrise and many symbols of this ritual can be found in the Bible and far older texts. Again, the use of the sacred mushroom and other drugs, and the secret knowledge of their properties, can be traced back to the earliest days of Sumer.” –David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (95-6)

John Allegro shows how the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the etymology of various Mesopotamian languages all have mushroom and sexual puns/terms interwoven. This is due to the prominence in the pre-Christian world of mushroom and fertility cults. Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, the languages of the Bible, all ultimately derive from ancient Sumerian, where many original meanings had been long lost. For instance, the gods of the Greeks and Hebrews, Zeus and Yahweh (Jehovah) have names derived from Sumerian words meaning “seed of life” and “juice of fecundity.” The name Herod, as in King Herod, “ardeola” in Latin, serves as a wordplay on the Semitic “ardilia” which means “mushroom.” The name Jesus, in Hebrew “yehoshiia” comes from the Sumerian “JA U ShiJ A” which means “semen which saves, restores, heals.” This is comparable to the fertility god Dionysus, whose cult emblem was an erect phallus, and whose Sumerian name “IA-U-Nu-ShUSh” also means “semen, seed that saves.”

“Under that again there lie the basic conceptions of the mushroom cult. Here is the real stuff of the mystery-fertility philosophy. For example, to find their parables of the Kingdom, the writers make comparisons with objects and activities which, at the surface level of understanding, are often really absurd, besides being self-contradictory about the manner and form of the Kingdom’s coming. The passage that likens the Kingdom to a mustard seed, for example, and then speaks of birds nesting in the branches of the grown plant (Matt 13:31f., etc.), has driven the biblical naturalists to distraction looking for a mustard ‘tree’ suitable as roosting places for the fowls of the air. They could have saved themselves the trouble since the reference, at the ‘lower’ level, is simply a play on the Semitic khardelä’, ‘mustard’ and ‘ardilã’, ‘mushroom’ … If it seems strange to us that the writers of these stories should have used such a trivial literary device as punning so extensively, it should be remembered that they were heirs to a very long tradition of this kind of word-spinning. The Old Testament is full of it, particularly where proper names are concerned, and very many more instances almost certainly lie beneath the surface, where writers are playing with dialectal forms of the words which have become lost over the centuries. Furthermore, it is now becoming clear that many of the Old Testament traditions have reached us in a Semitic dialect which was not the one in which they were composed, so that the original word-play which they expressed has been lost.” -John Allegro, “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” (32)

Today in Iran (Persia) the mushroom is called “SamJrukh,” which traces back to the Sumerian “ShU Mar Ugu/Aga,” or “Crown of the Womb-Favorer,” the glans/top of the fungus. The Sumerian “Bar Ia U Na,” meaning “capsule of fecundity; womb” connects to multiple names that relate the mushroom with the tiny “womb” from which the stem emerges. Another Aramaic example is “Pleasing the Jews” which comes from the Sumerian mushroom name “MashTabBaRi” or “that which is pleasing to the Hebrews/Jews.” The Hebrew “kotereih” from the Sumerian “GU-TAR” means “top of the head: penis” and is the most common Semitic word for mushroom; In Arabic it is “phutr,” in Aramaic it is “pitra,” and in the English New Testament is “Peter.” Allegro’s examples continue on like this for over a hundred pages.

“We must be in no doubt of the effect that importing a new, mushroom element into the New Testament picture must have on our understanding of the origin and nature of Christianity … For the pseudo-translation demonstrates an intention of deceit, and since mushrooms appear nowhere in the ‘surface’ tale of Jesus, it follows that the secret reference to the cult must be the true relevance of the whole. If the writers have gone to the trouble of concealing by ingenious literary devices, here, and as we have seen, in many cases elsewhere, secret names of the mushroom, not only must its worship have been central to the religion, but the exigencies of the time must have demanded they should be transmitted among the initiates and their successors in a way that would not bring their enemies down upon them. It therefore follows that the “surface” details of the story, names, places, and possibly doctrinal teachings must be equally as false as the pseudo-renderings of the secret names.” -John Allegro, “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” (106-7)

“For centuries, the impression given by religionists is that to be a moral person, one must not only forgo but disdain sexuality, viewing it as if it were a curse from the devil rather than a ‘gift from God.’ The same can be said of drugs, at least of the variety that has anything to do with altering consciousness, even if such drugs are in the form of ‘God-given’ plants. Hence, the picture of a religious or righteous individual is basically someone who must have (heterosexual) sex only with one person within a sanctioned marriage, if at all; to be in a constant state of procreation; and to remain as sober as ‘a judge.’ To those who think life is to be enjoyed, rather than endured, this picture represents a dull, robotic state, to say the least. The reality is that there have been times on this planet when cultures have recognized sacred sexual practices and sacramental plants not only as gifts from ‘God’ but also paths to ‘God,’ or ‘Cosmic Consciousness,’ as it were. Indeed, sex and drugs have been considered from time immemorial as devices to create union with the divine, which is a major reason behind the negative spin put on them by religionists, who insist that only they, ‘Jesus’ or some other entity can be avenues to the divine. In actuality, it is the priest’s task to create an artificial separation between human beings and the omnipresent ‘God’” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (193)

Through a long process of incremental changes the Christian churches (and other Brotherhood religions) have completely changed what it means to be religious. The ancient world consisted of mushroom and fertility cults, nature worship, and an astrological/astronomical based theology (Astrotheology). Nowadays the three things of ancient reverence which modern religions were actually based on – sex, drugs, and astrology – are condemned and considered sinful.

“If an all-powerful, dictatorial state religion was to succeed, it would need to destroy this concept of sacred sex and sacramental drugs from the human psyche and replace it with fear and guilt, such that those who had sex, for example, would be driven to cleanse themselves of their perceived sins by confession or other priest craft. The exploitation of humanity’s weakness regarding sex in particular worked nicely for priestly conspirators, since they could rail against it, knowing very well that people would continue to have it, such that the guilty would then be forced to return repeatedly to the Church for absolution from ‘sins.’ Despite their best efforts, however, the various religionists could not eradicate the widespread spiritual practices utilizing sex and drugs, even under penalty of death. In reality, they held these practices for themselves while hypocritically preaching their evils to the masses and exhorting abstinence from them. As noted, along with the knowledge of astrology, the use of sex and drugs actually has formed part of the esoteric religion or ‘mysteries’ hidden from the masses by the brotherhoods and secret societies that create exoteric and vulgar religions for the masses. Indeed, these ‘sacraments’ constituted a significant part of the mysteries, as many schools and cults have used sex and drugs in their initiation rites.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (193)

“I have spoken personally with High Priests and Bishops (Secret Society Initiates), who simply told me that they could not discuss anything with me because of their oaths of secrecy. In fact they were so blown away that I knew the information, that it scared the hell out of them. Entheogens, and particularly the Amanita muscaria, are a huge secret. The initiatory rites, into this particular field, are so far up the totem pole of secret societies and religions that when you find those who know, they really freak out, that anyone else knows, because it cuts to the deepest recesses of their self perceived spirituality, and cuts to the center of their most secret God/Society given indoctrination experiences. They have this certain look in their eyes, and unless you somehow are perceived as a threat to them, they invariably have the need to tell you that they do know what you are talking about (which is likely a violation of oath in itself), but they cannot discuss it further.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind (23)


Mushroom Mythologies

There have been many mythological mushroom heroes known throughout history. Perseus was an ancient mushroom hero, founder and King of the city-state of Mycenae (Mushroom City). Perseus flew around on winged sandals making “Perseia” a magical herb, grow wherever he dropped the chape of his scabbard. Wherever Perseus dropped his cap, “myces,” mushrooms would sprout underneath. Libertus is another mushroom hero whose depiction can be found atop the US Capitol building of all places. Libertus wears a Liberty Cap (or Phrygian Cap) which is shaped like and named after the Liberty Cap mushroom. This is where we get the idea of a “thinking cap” because when you ingest the cap you are teleported into an introspective, wondrous experience. The Phrygian/Liberty Cap was worn by Masonic revolutionaries during the French and American revolutions as well as by Perseus, Mithra, Santa, Elves, and the Smurfs. It is also worn as a “night cap,” a double entendre which nowadays means having an alcoholic beverage before bed. The original idea of a night cap, however, was when Mithraic/Mystery school initiates would eat a large mushroom cap then lay in hot tubs and astrally project out of body.

Another mushroom hero was King Arthur of Camelot. Arthur pulled the Sword from the Stone, founded the Knights of the Round Table and made the Quest for the Holy Grail. All three of these legends actually refer to stages of the mushroom. The mushroom begins like an egg or a small white stone which pushes and wiggles upwards like a snake. This is the Sword in the Stone stage (Sword is “S-word,” snakes/serpents, in the stone). Then the mushroom cap opens up and flattens out making a perfect circle like a round table top – the Round Table stage. Lastly the edges of the mushroom upturn collecting the mushroom juices and dew, the drinkable “blood of the gods.” This is called the Holy Grail stage and looks/acts just like a cup.

“In its infant (button) state, the muscaria resembles a small white stone. The pulling of the sword from the stone (a symbol of wielding the power), is another Arthurian legend connecting the mushroom to the myth. The quest for the Grail itself is the quest for the knowledge of the mushroom. The Parcival myth depicts paths (traditions), which are to be explored (but not adhered to), in order to complete the quest. This quest is described in the myths as a journey into the forest (the world) and finding paths (systems) which one may follow, for a time, but ultimately one must blaze his/her own trail in order to truly reach the final goal, the Holy Grail (the discovery and usage of the mushroom). The search for the Holy Grail is a mythology that has become, through adaptation, a part of the story of the Crucifixion. Some of the stories incorporate a cup which was used to catch some of the flowing blood of Jesus as he died on the cross. This cup, like many other relics, was thereby thought to possess magical powers. Historically, the mushroom has been the container for the juice of the ‘elixir of immortality’, or the ‘blood of God’, in many myths. The final shape of the muscaria, with its inverted cap, is the reason that the cup/fountain/grail symbology is used in the stories. King Arthur, as a child, gained his rightful place as King by pulling the sword from the stone. This is symbolic for wielding the power of the mushroom. The stone is a metaphor for the mushroom, and pulling the sword from it is symbolic of being able to crack the code and possess the power of the magical plant. After Arthur took ill (in his later years) he was told that he must seek and find the Holy Grail to renew his strength and re-acquire his power.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (14-15)

The Kundalini serpent (explained in detail later) is said to remain coiled three and a half times around the root chakra. Once awakened the serpent energy climbs up from the root/stone and around the spine, the Tree of Life. This process is analogous to the growth of a mushroom which begins looking like a stone then wriggles upward like a snake. The root chakra serpent energy rises to the crown chakra which is usually symbolized by an eagle or other majestic bird. You will often see spiritual symbology involving snakes fighting eagles. This is also why Egyptian Pharaoh’s head-dresses had snakes/birds coming out from the third-eye point.

“Transforming out of the button/egg infantile state, the mushroom’s appearance becomes more like that of a snake. Once the mushroom has fully grown, decayed, and dissolved it leaves behind a hole. This is due to it’s pushing the Pine needles or earth outward, as it expands. Around the hole is a white powdery substance, actually the many spores it left behind. This hole resembles a snake’s hole, or lair, which is another reasoning for the mushroom’s being symbolized as a snake. Most certainly, the depiction of the snake, in the garden of Eden, which revealed to humans secret knowledge that the fruit of the tree would make them as god, is a grand myth regarding this association.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (55)

“The prime example of the relation between the serpent and the mushroom is, of course, in the Garden of Eden story of the Old Testament. The cunning reptile prevails upon Eve and her husband to eat of the tree, whose fruit ‘made them as gods, knowing good and evil’ (Gen 3:4). The whole Eden story is mushroom-based mythology, not least in the identity of the ‘tree’ as the sacred fungus, as we shall see. Even as late as the thirteenth-century some recollection of the old tradition was known among Christians, to judge from a fresco painted on the wall of a ruined church in Plaincourault in France. There the Amanita muscaria is gloriously portrayed, entwined with a serpent, whilst Eve stands by holding her belly.” -John Allegro, “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” (48)

This is why Medusa’s serpent hair turns men to stone. This is why Mithra, the ancient mushroom hero is depicted rising from a stone entwined in snakes. Mithra, one of the 15 pre-Christian gods with exactly the same story as Jesus, was undeniably a mushroom god. Just as Christians take communion, Mithraic initiates ate mushroom sacraments as part of their worship. Just as Christians line up in Church to receive the body and blood of Christ, so did initiates in the Mithraeum line up to receive the body and blood of Mithra.

“Mithra initiates would partake of a Sacred Meal in their ceremonies, invoking The Out Of Body experience. A ritually designed sacramental, Shamanistic, and communal Gnosis. The Mithraic temples of worship, known as Mithraeum, are designed like few other temples on earth. Typically inside the place of worship would be rows of bathtubs (tubs) along the two side walls, or lined in two parallel rows from the rear wall to the front of the main room. Providing places where many initiates could lie down during ceremonies. The tubs were tools in the mechanics of producing a communal experience. The purpose being, the joining together of the minds of the participants with the universal mind. The next phase being, to exit the planet (physical realm) in a spiritual flight to the heavens (stars). This is a bold expectation to perceive, let alone one you can convince someone they have had, especially if after the ceremony they have not. Filled with salt water these tubs would become instant sensory-deprivation-tanks. Much like those depicted in the movie ‘Altered States’ … The religion of Mithra centered around the initiate’s ability to communally, astral-travel. Of course the out-of-body experience was facilitated through the eating of the sacred meal. After consumption, the initiates could traverse the galaxies, witnessing, as the ancient Egyptians, first hand, the reality that the spirit of the human being is not restricted to the physical universe, or the physical body for that matter. This is the true revelation of the immortality of the soul, or at least the realization of such. This concept is so similar to the Egyptian initiatory rites that it is solid evidence some of the hidden traditions of the ancients did migrate into later incarnations of various religious orders.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (56-58)

“There are a number of hieroglyphic depictions of plants (many of which are psychedelic) on walls and within texts throughout Egypt. This is to be expected, yet this goes undetected or dismissed by most who are studying Egypt and its religious writings … The pillars that are at every temple in Egypt are shaped like giant mushrooms. These are shaped like the Amanita some are shaped like Psilocybe. Others look like tree fungus and are decorated with pictures of an incredible variety of plants.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (44 & 53)

In Egypt countless pillars are shaped like huge mushrooms with tall stems, umbrella caps, and mushroom engravings all up, down, and around them. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead they are called “the food of the gods,” or “celestial food” and “the flesh of the gods.”

In Egyptian temples there are many pictures of gods/neters feeding humans the “ankh” cross/circle symbol which is said to represent the water of life and immortality. This also suggests the mushroom as it has been called “the Elixir of Immortality” and “the Fountain of Youth.” Pictures of winged Babylonian and Sumerian gods are shown feeding pinecones to humans. Could these be reference to the pinecone-shaped pineal gland?

At the Vatican there is suspiciously a gigantic statue of a pinecone in the Vatican “Court of the Pinecone.” On the Pope’s staff there is also a pinecone depicted right at the height of his third-eye/pineal gland. Ancient Sumerian gods were always depicted feeding men pinecones, just as the Egyptian gods were so often depicted feeding men the “ankh.” Because of their seedless growth / germination pattern, mushrooms were considered “virgin-births” by the ancients. They believed the mushrooms arose from dew, the divine fluid that magically appears at dawn. They also correctly believed the Amanita to be the “fruit of the tree” and referred to them as such.

“The mushroom caps are the fruit of the larger mycelium beneath the soil which exists in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of the tree. To ancient people, these mushrooms were literally ‘the fruit of the tree.’ Ancient peoples were amazed at how these magical mushrooms sprang from the earth without any visible seed. They considered this “virgin birth” to have been the result of the morning dew, which was seen as the semen of the deity. The silver tinsel we drape onto our modern Christmas tree represents this divine fluid. -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

“Serpents” is an anagram for “Presents” like those found under the Christmas tree. At Christmas we string lights coiling up and around the tree, like the Serpent on the Tree of Life which gives us the light of knowledge. A Christian also “Repents” for his sins which is curiously another anagram for Present and Serpent.

“The actual mushroom ‘plant’ is the underground ‘mycelium’ or ‘mycorrhizae’, which is directly attached to the tree roots; the mushroom itself is only the fruit-body of the mycelium. The mushroom is literally the Fruit of the Tree. They grow in a mycorrhizal (not parasitic) relationship with the tree. Many people follow the tradition/custom of bringing a tree into the home and putting presents under it, yet have absolutely no idea why. Even people that think they know, usually have no knowledge of these mushroom connections. The true symbolic meaning transcends dogmatic etymological and historical evidence, by revealing itself in the totally obvious iconography and historically associated myths and traditions.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (13)

Here is just a partial list of the many terms/associations related to magic mushrooms. Soma was/is the Hindu plant-god and Greek for “body.” Ambrosia was Greek for “food of the gods.” The Egyptian Book of the Dead calls them “food of the gods” and “celestial food,” as well as “flesh of the gods.” It is Amrita, the Buddhist magical sacrament and Haoma, the Islamic sacrament. It’s been called the Bread of Life and the Loaf of Bliss, the Golden Fleece, the Cosmic Egg, the Easter Egg, the Small White Stone, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Sword in the Stone, the Phoenix, the pillar/phallus of Osiris, the Djed pillar, the One Eyed Howler, the Eye of Horus, and the Djed-Eye (pronounced Jedi), The World Tree (many cultures thought the mushroom was the creator of the world), the Fly-Agaric, the Fountain of Living Waters (since the mushroom is alive, 90% water, and fountain-shaped), and the Hammer of Thor.

“The Mushroom itself has very interesting features that resemble, and have been related to Gold, Flesh, Blood (and blood vessels), Phallus, Vulva, Fire, Saucer, Cup, as well as a disc or orb. The mushroom has been, anthropomorphically, personified as a Man, a God, something of extraterrestrial origins, and a Plant God, SOMA, who was mediator between Mankind and the God/Gods/Goddesses, in the ancient Hindu religious books known as ‘The Vedas.’” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (59)

The psilocybin mushroom has properties similar to that of the amanita and has also been worshipped/mythologized throughout history. Unlike the amanita, fruit of the tree, psilocybin grows from the dung of a cow. In India cows are worshipped (hence “holy cow”) for many reasons, but especially for their holy shit/holy crap. The ancient Egyptians revered Mother Hathor, the heavenly cow whose body was the firmament and who daily gave birth to Horus-Ra, her Golden Calf. In South East Asia the elephant is revered over other animals, like the cow in India, because magic mushrooms grow in elephant dung as well (hence Dumbo the flying elephant). Psilocybin mushrooms turn a dark blue when bruised or dried and so are usually depicted as such. This is why Ganesh (Pikanadt), the Hindu elephant man god, is blue and rules the realms of art and creativity. Other Hindu gods are also blue like Shiva or Vishnu who are depicted with serpents around his head looking much like a mushroom. Krishna is blue too usually shown with a cow to his side. The Cartoon “Smurfs” are blue like psilocybin, they all wear liberty cap hats, and live in amanita muscaria houses!


Santa Claus the Magic Mushroom

Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with fancy ornaments, and place presents underneath them?

So, why do people bring Pine trees into their houses at the Winter Solstice, placing brightly colored (Red and White) packages under their boughs, as gifts to show their love for each other and as representations of the love of God and the gift of his Sons life? It is because, underneath the Pine bough is the exact location where one would find this ‘Most Sacred’ Substance, the Amanita muscaria, in the wild.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (8)

The Amanita muscaria is the red and white magic mushroom that grows almost exclusively beneath Pine trees. Their main psychoactive ingredient is ‘muscimol,’ as well as trace amounts of DMT, an entheogen naturally produced in the brain’s pineal gland. The pinecone-shaped pine-al gland is an organ that produces the same DMT found in this pine tree fungus, and much more.

DMT exists in all of our bodies and occurs throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. It is a part of the normal makeup of humans and other mammals; marine animals; grasses and peas; toads and frogs; mushrooms and molds; and barks, flowers, and roots … DMT is . . . in this flower here, in that tree over there, and in yonder animal. [It] is, most simply, almost everywhere you choose to look.” Indeed, it is getting to the point where one should report where DMT is not found, rather than where it is.” -Dr. Rick Strassman, “DMT – The Spirit Molecule” (42)

The Pine tree is one of the well-known central relics of Christmas. Under this tree is where those who are deemed good find their reward in the form of a present. A big red and white rounded mushroom grows under the very tree we are to look under on Christmas morning to find our gift.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (6)

Green, red, and white as Christmas colors comes from the evergreen tree and the red and white mushrooms underneath. The word Christmas originally comes from the Egyptian KRST (oiled/anointed one) and Mes, the sacred cakes annually made/ingested by the Egyptians. This Eucharist was originally made from Amanita muscaria or was the mushroom itself. The tradition existed all over the ancient world, but most of the iconography / symbology recognized today comes from pre-Christian Northern Europe.

The very name, ‘Christmas’ is a holiday name composed of the words, ‘Christ’ (meaning ‘one who is anointed with the Magical Substance’) and ‘Mass’ (a special religious service/ceremony of the sacramental ingestion of the Eucharist, the ‘Body of Christ’). In the Catholic tradition, this substance (Body/Soma) has been replaced by the doctrine of ‘Trans-substantiation’, whereby in a magical ceremony the Priests claim the ability to transform a ‘cracker/round-wafer’ into the literal ‘Body of Christ’; ie, a substitute or placebo.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (9-10)

Although most people see Christmas as a Christian holiday, most of the symbols and icons we associate with Christmas celebrations are actually derived from the shamanistic traditions of the tribal peoples of pre-Christian Northern Europe. The sacred mushroom of these people was the red and white amanita muscaria mushroom … These peoples lived in dwellings made of birch and reindeer hide, called ‘yurts.’ Somewhat similar to a teepee, the yurt’s central smoke hole is often also used as an entrance. After gathering the mushrooms from under the sacred trees where they appeared, the shamans would fill their sacks and return home. Climbing down the chimney-entrances, they would share out the mushroom’s gifts with those within … Santa also dresses like a mushroom gatherer. When it was time to go out and harvest the magical mushrooms, the ancient shamans would dress much like Santa, wearing red and white fur-trimmed coats and long black boots.” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

To this day Siberian shamans dress in ceremonial red and white fur-trimmed jackets to gather the magic mushrooms. First they pick and place the mushrooms to partially dry on nearby pine boughs which prepares them for ingestion and makes the load lighter. This is why we decorate our Christmas trees with ornaments and bulbs, because the gatherers would always adorn trees with drying mushrooms. Next the shaman collects his red and white presents in a sack and proceeds to travel from house to house delivering them. During Siberian winters, the snow piles up past the doors of their yurts (huts), so the red and white clad shaman must climb down the smoke-hole (chimney) to deliver the presents in his sack. Finally the appreciative villagers string the mushrooms up or put them in stockings hung affront the fire to dry. When they awake in the morning, their presents from under the pine tree are all dried and ready to eat.

The amanita mushroom needs to be dried before being consumed; the drying process reduces the mushroom’s toxicity while increasing its potency. The shaman would guide the group in stringing the mushrooms and hanging them around the hearth-fire to dry. This tradition is echoed in the modern stringing of popcorn and other items.” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

The ancient shamanic use of Amanita muscaria in Siberia is well documented. Despite governmental oppression against its use, there are still many who refuse to accept the authorized state religion, and continue the shamanic traditions in secret. Just as the Siberian shaman (commonly dressing in red and white) would enter through the opening in the roof of a home where a ritual was to be done, Santa Claus also arrives on the roof and enters through the chimney. Just as the shamans would gather the mushrooms in bags which they would bring with them when performing a ceremony, Santa Claus also (on the Holy Day) brings presents in a bag.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (10)

Siberian reindeer also enjoy eating amanita mushrooms and thus are often used as a lure by the deer-herding natives. Since one of the hallucinatory experiences often felt on psychedelic mushrooms is that of flying, Santa’s flying reindeer most likely derive from this.

Reindeer were the sacred animals of these semi-nomadic people, as the reindeer provided food, shelter, clothing and other necessities. Reindeer are also fond of eating the amanita mushrooms; they will seek them out, and then prance about while under their influence … The effects of the amanita mushroom usually include sensations of size distortion and flying. The feeling of flying could account for the legends of flying reindeer, and legends of shamanic journeys included stories of winged reindeer, transporting their riders up to the highest branches of the World Tree.” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

The flying reindeer, sleigh, and the entire Santa Claus mythology originates from Siberia where Saint Nicholas, the patron Saint of children, is a supplanter to the indigenous Shamans.

Saint Nicholas, known as the ‘Patron Saint of Children,’ is the most revered saint in Russia, second only to the apostles. He is the Russian Orthodox Church’s supplanter to the native people’s highly respected local Shaman. A Shaman is a holy man that is well acquainted with a form of spirituality that incorporates plant entheogens which facilitate the NDE (Near Death Experience), or ‘out of body’ experience. Saint Nicholas may not have been a shaman, yet the symbolism on, and coloring of his robes could lend to speculation.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (10)

One of the side effects of eating amanita mushrooms is that the skin and facial features take on a flushed, ruddy glow. This is why Santa is always shown with glowing red cheeks and nose. Even Santa’s jolly ‘Ho, ho, ho!’ is the euphoric laugh of one who has indulged in the magic fungus.” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

Could this be why Rudolph’s nose is red?

“Santa’s famous magical journey, where his sleigh takes him around the whole planet in a single night, is developed from the ‘heavenly chariot’ used by the gods from whom Santa and other shamanic figures are descended. The chariot of Odin, Thor and even the Egyptian god Osiris is now known as the Big Dipper, which circles around the North Star in a 24-hour period. In different versions of the ancient story, the chariot was pulled by reindeer or horses. As the animals grow exhausted, their mingled spit and blood falls to the ground, forming the amanita mushrooms.” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

It is fairly common knowledge that the Weihnachtsmann (St. Nick) was an amalgamation of older Germanic/Norse gods such as Thor, Donner, Odin and Wotan. What’s missing here is just as Santa flies through the skies in his sleigh, Odin (as well as the rest) rode through the sky in his chariot, which is depicted in the stars by ‘The Big Dipper’. The Big Dipper is the chariot of Odin & Wotan, Thor, King Arthur, and even Osiris (of Egypt). The chariot that circles the North Star in a 24 hour period is thus also known as the sleigh of Santa Claus because it circles his mythological home, the North Pole. It is no surprise that Nordic/Germanic gods have connection to mushrooms in their mythology. As Thor throws his mushroom-shaped hammer to the ground, mighty thunders and lightning cracks cause the real mushroom(s) to appear. As the horses pulling Odin through the sky in his chariot become over-exerted, their blood-mingled spit falls to the ground and causes the Amanita mushrooms to grow at those exact points.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (10-11)

Probably the first Santa was Osiris in ancient Egypt who rode his flying chariot to/from the North Pole, was born on December 25th, and celebrated by putting presents underneath an evergreen tree.

Not only did Osiris ride the sky in a chariot, but after his death Isis found that an evergreen (Cedar) had grown overnight from a dead stump to full-sized; which was understood as a sign of Osiris’ rebirth and immortality. Interestingly, the traditional birth of Osiris is the 25th of December. The 25th of December was also celebrated annually by putting presents around the Cedar tree. This tradition is at least five thousand years old. The birth of Horus to the goddess-virgin-mother, Isis, is perhaps the eldest representation of the goddess/son mythology, yet it is impossible to know this or the real age of the Astro-theological-Virgo-giving-birth-to-the-child/god/star mythology for sure. However it is the oldest source I have found.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (11)

Santa, an anagram for Satan, dresses in red, keeps lists of naughty/nice children, and seems to steal Christmas from Jesus. But if understood in its original mushroom context, Santa’s not a conniving, omniscient, list-keeper. He’s an Entheogen – a plant or substance which is said to “generate the God within.” The word Entheogen breaks down, En for inside, Theo for God, and Gen for generate – generate the God inside. If you have ever taken an Entheogen (i.e. Psilocybin, DMT, Peyote, Ayahuasca), then you are already aware of the spiritual or even religious experiences associated with them. As anyone who has tried them knows, and most anyone who hasn’t fiercely denies, these Entheogens put us directly in contact with that spark of the divine within ourselves. They allow access to higher consciousness and open our third-eyes; The outer material world dissolves and the “five” senses return to a state of one sense, one consciousness.

First hand understanding is through the ingestion of the holy substances, of which there has been so much written, that this brief expose’ merely scratches the surface of. It is this direct communal contact which is truly the means whereby a human being can experience his true spiritual nature. One must take very seriously his /her own spirituality, for this is that which we truly are. As I stated in the opening sentence, ‘This experience is of extremely great value’. So much so, that I feel it necessary to the evolutionary process of each and every individual, and inevitably to all of mankind.” -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (26)

If you have mischief, wickedness, or secrecy in you, then entheogens will take you down into the depths of your own hell. But if you have kindness, love, and truth within you, entheogens will raise you up into the heights of that heaven. When people of a poor disposition or in a negative mood eat magic mushrooms they usually have a “bad trip” and experience frightening or depressing hallucinations. When people of a good disposition or in a positive mood eat mushrooms they usually have a great trip and experience hours of uncontrollable laughter and a loving, close feeling with everyone around. Just like at Christmas Santa keeps lists of children who are naughty and nice, at Easter only good kids get to eat the colored eggs. This is likely because good kids on mushrooms are hilarious and lots of fun, whereas naughty kids on mushrooms guarantee a bad trip for everyone, so they get coal at Christmas and no eggs at Easter.

Santa Claus is an all-knowing icon that reads the hearts and intentions of everyone on the planet. Each child is told the story of the round-man (who wears red and white) and his associates; reindeer, little people and Mrs. Claus. They are also told the story of a miraculous worldwide flight in a sleigh which results in presents being delivered under a tree. Yet when a child reaches the age of reasoning he is informed that this story is all a fabrication. This revelation is devastating upon the psyche of a young mind. It is also at this time that the child is often comforted and pacified from the shock by very strong reinforcement that the religious systems which the parents or guardians profess are indeed factual. And an attempt is made to incorporate the respective religious traditions into the holiday as the REAL meaning for the celebration.” –James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (6)

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny have both been uprooted from their original positions. They began as mythological mushroom heroes understood in a spiritual context by both children and adults. Now their literal meaning has been suppressed, and a fake image has been corporatized by Coke, Cadbury and others. The effect this has had is to turn mythological heroes into fantasies and lies. It was not meant for children to discover as they are coming of age that parents, family, and friends have lied to them about Santa and the Easter Bunny. It was meant for them to discover deeper meanings behind the mythologies such as the ancient Astrotheological understanding of the heavens, the knowledge of the zodiacal precession, and seasonal cycles like solstices and equinoxes. The whole complexity of the modern Christmas mythos is an unexplainable mess without the magic mushroom, the story is completely unintelligible.

Some psychologists have discussed the ‘cognitive dissonance’ which occurs when children are encouraged to believe in the literal existence of Santa Claus, only to have their parents’ lie revealed when they are older. By so deceiving our children we rob them of a richer heritage … Many people in the modern world have rejected Christmas as being too commercial, claiming that this ritual of giving is actually a celebration of materialism and greed. Yet the true spirit of this winter festival lies not in the exchange of plastic toys, but in celebrating a gift from the earth: the fruiting top of a magical mushroom, and the revelatory experiences it can provide. Instead of perpetuating outdated and confusing holiday myths, it might be more fulfilling to return to the original source of these seasonal celebrations. How about getting back to basics and enjoying some magical mushrooms with your loved ones this solstice? What better gift can a family share than a little piece of love and enlightenment?” -Dana Larsen, “The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus” Cannabis Culture, Marijuana Magazine, Dec 18th, 2003

The Easter egg hunt, like red and white presents under Christmas trees, is another activity inexplicable without magic mushrooms. The current understanding is that the Easter bunny lays multi-colored eggs in or around every house for children to hunt for and collect in Easter baskets. But since when do rabbits lay eggs? Why are they colorful/spotted eggs? And why are they hidden for us to hunt and collect in baskets? Of course rabbits don’t lay eggs, but in ancient myth, the spring/fertility goddess Eostre and the Germanic Ostara are both said to have saved a bird whose wings had frozen during the winter by turning it into a rabbit. Since the rabbit had once been a bird, it could still lay eggs, and that egg-laying hare became our Easter bunny. In the earlier Babylonian version Ishtar comes from the Moon in a giant egg.

“The ‘Christian’ festival of Easter comes from the same source. Easter comes from the Babylonian goddess, Ishtar, (Semiramis again) and it celebrated her son, Tammuz, who was, wait for it, the ‘only begotten son of the Moon goddess and Sun God’ – Nimrod and Semiramis. The ‘Easter’ (Ishtar) eggs and the ‘Easter bunny’ also come from Babylon. Queen Semiramis said she came from the Moon in a giant egg and this became known as the Ishtar egg. Tammuz was said to be very fond of rabbits and so we have the Easter bunny. Oh yes, and they also ate “sacred cakes” with a T on the top – the origin of our hot cross buns. The T is a major symbol of Freemasonry because of its associations with Babylon and Tammuz. The Christian wafer used in Catholic ceremonies comes from the Egyptian ta-en-aah – the sacrificial bread of the Moon. Christians think the bread symbolizes the ‘body of Jesus’ when they are really involved in a ritual about the Egyptian Moon god.” -David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”

In the ancient Egyptian mythos, Isis is fleeing from an enemy while in the form of a phoenix when she changes into a hare to escape down a rabbit hole. Rabbits and birds have for ages been associated with spring/fertility, but less known is their association with the magic mushroom. The red and white Amanita Muscaria has long been symbolized by the phoenix, and the brown Amanita Panthera symbolized by the hare.

“The Phoenix: From the ashes (spores) the egg appears. Then comes the upturned cap resembling a gold and red colored bird (the gills as feathers). Then the heat (sun) burns the mushroom and it dissolves, once again leaving only ashes (spores), and finally repeating the whole cycle … The Phoenix-bird mythology is another piece of mushroom folklore. As the fetus is generated in the furnace of the uterus, so the mushroom, that ‘evil ferment of the soil’, as Nicander (second century BC) calls it, is created, a womb within a womb, as it were. Like the fabulous Phoenix, the mushroom is self-generated and regenerated, bursting forth from the volva, only to die as quickly and then apparently miraculously to reappear, a resurrection of its own self. -James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (56)

As the baby head of an Amanita Muscaria pops out of the ground, it pushes the pine needles aside forming a tiny circular wall that looks just like a birds nest. When there are many mushrooms close together, their heads budding through the pine needles look like little eggs in a fallen nest. Unlike bird’s eggs, however, these ones are spotted, colorful, and magical. Once the baby mushrooms are plucked out of the ground, the remaining dirt/needles look like a rabbit-hole, again repeating the bird into bunny symbolism. So families/children walked through the forests in early Spring with Easter baskets to hunt for and collect these magic mushrooms. During the A.D. times, there has been a Germanic/Christian Easter tradition of feasting on colored eggs after a long fast at lent, but the B.C. origins of Easter celebration again come from Egypt, where the “eggs” were well-known to be not eggs, but budding baby mushrooms.


The Bible’s Hidden Meanings

As someone who has attended church since before I could walk, in a family comprised entirely of devout Christians, and having read  the Bible cover to cover it has become increasingly clear to me that these holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically.  Things like talking snakes and bushes, virgins giving birth, eating the body of Christ, staffs turning into serpents, and many other biblical “miracles” are all actually ancient spiritual symbolisms, found in many cultures/traditions around the world, thousands of years older than the Bible, referring to psychological phenomena, not historical events.  Of course snakes and bushes cannot talk, of course virgins cannot give birth, Christ isn’t a cannibal, wooden staffs cannot turn into living serpents, water cannot magically turn into wine, breads/fish cannot magically manifest from the aether, and humans cannot survive for days inside whale’s bellies.

2 Corinthians 3:6 clearly says the scriptures should NOT be read literally.  Matthew 13:34 says Jesus never spoke unless it was in parables.  He said people who took the word literally were like those who looked but could not see!  Modern fundamentalist Christians who read the Bible literally with their over-active left-brains are missing the whole point.  The reason Jesus cast nets to the right side, sits on the right side of God, and builds the door to the temple on the right side, is because he is leading us out of our lower left brains and into our holistic, symbolic, higher brain on the right.

This is what the Exodus of slaves out of lower Egypt is all about, a manual for spiritual enlightenment, not a literal slave revolt.  There is no history of 600,000 slaves leaving Egypt for Israel because it never happened, and Israel never used to be an actual place!  It was just three names of gods – Isis – Ra – Elohim, shortened to Is-ra-el. The real promised land Moses spoke of exists between your ears!  Acts 7:48 says, “The most high dwelleth not in temples made with hands.”  The only temples not built by human hands are the two temples behind your eyes, in front of your ears.  As said in 1 Corinthians 3:16, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?”

In Matthew 6:22 Jesus says, “The lamp of the body is the eye, if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”  Genesis 32:30 states that, “Jacob called the place Peniel (Pineal), saying ‘it is because I saw God face to face.'”  In other words, Jesus and Jacob are referring to the Pineal gland, the “third-eye,” meditation point which lies at the geometric center of our brains.  When you slow your brain waves through meditation, sensory-deprivation, entheogens or other methods, your usually over-active left-brain eases off and allows access to the higher, holistic right brain and through to the pineal gland, which the Bible calls the dwelling place of God, and Descartes called the seat of the soul.

Many fundamentalist Christians insist that things like meditation or entheogens are “evil” and open you up to “demons,” but in reality, meditation is just sitting still and doing nothing, and those God-created entheogenic plants just grow that way.  If sitting still doing nothing for a while every day is so negative, why does it have so many positive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits!?  And if entheogens are so negative, why do they also have so many positive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits?  Basically, these people locked in their left-brain literal thinking, see anything that helps stimulate their right-brain lateral thinking as against their rigid beliefs.

Romans 2:29 says, “He is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter.”  It doesn’t get any clearer than that.  The Bible is saying circumcision is of the heart, not the penis!  To focus on the spirit (the symbolic), not in the letter (the literal)!  And that Jews are anyone who is inwardly focused, those who seek God within, meditators, prayers, not a race or religion!  God doesn’t choose a race of people over others, God’s “chosen people” are simply devoted meditators.

These secrets of meditation were well known to many ancient civilizations the world over including Indian Yogis and Saddhus who integrated meditaiton, yoga and spiritual symbology into their holy scriptures as well.  Even the Atlantean mythos, one of the oldest known religious stories, encodes this ancient spiritual knowledge of “Kundalini Yoga.”  For instance, in the Atlantean myth, Atlas, the King of Atlantis, held up the entire world upon his shoulders.  He had seven daughters, the Hesperides, who spent their days dancing around the Tree of Life.  Coiled around the tree, and guarding its golden apples of immortality lived Ladon, the serpent.  The kingdom of Atlantis was shaped as three concentric circles of land separated by two concentric circles of water with the “Temple of Poseidon,” residing in the very center, where sacred bulls roamed around freely, and sacrificial bulls blood was poured over the exterior of the temple.

The actual medical term for the top 33rd vertebrae of the spine which holds up your skull is called “Atlas.”  So when it is said that Atlas holds the world upon his shoulders, it is your head/mind which he holds up, and your skull, when viewed from above, perfectly resembles Atlantis or a “bulls-eye.”  The bulls-eye at the center is your third-eye which “roams around freely” in a chamber of cerebro-spinal fluid.  This is surrounded by the cerebral cortex, which itself is covered by a layer of constantly flowing/pumping (sacrificial bull’s) blood, and enclosed by the skull cap: Three concentric circles of solid separated by two concentric circles of liquid.

The Tree of Life with Atlas’ seven dancing daughters and a serpent coiled around, is similar to symbolism found in the Bible and many other religions throughout history the world over.  In the ancient Indian yogic tradition, long pre-dating the Bible, the Tree of Life was your spine with seven “chakra” nerve/energy centers and transformational “kundalini serpent energy” coiled at the base.  Through yoga and meditation the kundalini serpent travels up the spine opening and illuminating the chakras one by one.  This is why Numbers 8:2 says, “Speak to Aaron, and say unto him, when thou lightest the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light over against the candlestick.”  The candlestick is your spine and the lamps your chakras (note: “chakra” means “wheel of light”).  In Exodus 7:10, “Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.”  Again, Aaron’s rod is his spine, and the serpent is kundalini.  The Egyptian Pharaohs were also well aware of this spiritual symbology, as their traditional headdress was none other than a cobra hood with a serpent coming out their third-eye!  Revelation 5:1 reads, “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals,” just like your spine, your backside, sealed with seven chakras.

Here where I live in Thailand, “Buddha” is their “Jesus,” and many believe he performed several similar literal miracles as Jesus, like walking on water, over 500 years prior.  Buddha was said to have been born, and instantly began walking, taking seven steps forward, after each step a lotus flower appearing on the ground under his feet.  Then after his seventh step, he stopped and shouted, “I am chief of the world!”  Now, of course newborn babies cannot talk or walk out of the womb, and lotus flowers cannot magically blossom under one’s feet, but the majority of Buddhist literalists here in Thailand, if asked, would agree these things are impossible for anyone else, but make special exception for Buddha!  Likewise, the majority of Christian literalists around the world, when asked, agree these things are impossible for anyone else, but make special exception for Jesus!

In another tale, taken literally by most Buddhists, Buddha was meditating under a tree when it began to rain heavily.  From behind him a huge king cobra came and coiled his body seven times around Buddha’s body to keep him warm and placed his hood over Buddha’s head to protect him from the rain.  After seven days, the rain stopped and the snake turned into a young man who thereafter became one of Buddha’s followers.  If you asked the average Christian if they believed these Buddhist miracles they would laugh at the idea of a snake turning into a man, but at the same time believe Moses and Aaron’s staffs turned into snakes!

The number 7 appears an incredible 735 times in the Bible, more than any other number.  In Revelations alone there are 54 sevens including the 7 seals, 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 personages, 7 vials, 7 woes, 7 angels, 7 thunders, 7 plagues, 7 glories, and 7 blessings.  There are the 7 deadly sins, the 7 days of creation, 7 circles around the wall of Jericho, 7 years building the temple of Solomon, again and again the number 7 is given incredible significance over any other number in the Bible.  Christians say the number seven denotes “spiritual perfection” and “divine fullness, completeness, totality.”    But is that all, what is the real meaning of these, what is the origin of this numerology?

It is the same as Atlas’ seven daughters dancing around the Tree of Life.  It is the same reason seven lotus blossoms appeared under Buddha’s feet.  After the 7th day of creation, God had a millennial rest period of a thousand years, because the 7th crown chakra is known as the 1,000 petaled lotus!  These myths long pre-dated the Bible and were purposely encoded as symbolic keys to spiritual enlightenment.  They were never meant to be read literally or historically!  The reason Jesus lived 33 years, is the same reason the first temple of Solomon stood pristine for 33 years, Kind David ruled for 33 years, Leah had 33 children, Freemasons have 33 degrees, and Atlas is your 33rd vertebrae.  The spiritual numerology and symbolism in the Bible are there for those with eyes to see, but hidden under literal translation and interpretations by the very left-brained prisoners Jesus sought to free.

Jesus Christ Never Existed

“The Christian church is an encyclopedia of prehistoric cults.” -Fredrick Nietzsche

The beginnings of Christian history were almost nothing like the picture propagated by the priesthood. Christianity actually began as an amalgamation of many ancient beliefs and originally branched off from Gnosticism. Gnosticism was and is a school of religious existentialism that seeks intuitive understanding of God through attaining Gnosis, or “knowledge of the Divine within.”

“The Gnostics claimed to have an intuitive understanding of the mysteries of God and Earth. It was an understanding that resulted from rigorous training, initiation, and intuitive experiences, not simply intellectual study. The church found Gnostics particularly dangerous, for they disdained the need for a hierarchy of priestly officials to interpret the word of God. Far from dangerous heretics, these passive Christians claimed to be the keepers of secret knowledge as indicated by the Gnostic papyrus books discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945. It was this discovery which first afforded any view of Gnosticism other than the damning rhetoric of the church …Gnostics seek to know the ‘secrets’ of God, looking for answers within the sacred texts of whatever religion they accept. They seek the understanding of existence through interpretation of what they perceive as deeper meaning within the symbology of religious literature … Gnosticism flourished until declared a heresy by a council of bishops of the Roman church in A.D. 325. Gnosticism was an integral part of the Ancient Mysteries since both involved the belief that only personal inner enlightenment could bring understanding.” -Jim Marrs, “Rule by Secrecy” (346-7)

Constantine publicly outlawed Gnosticism in 325AD and since then the Brotherhood has privately kept its secrets only for the initiated few. In Freemasonry, Gnosticism is the third “G” after God and Geometry represented by their symbolic “G” within the compass/square. According to the Masonic philosopher Manly P. Hall, “This knowledge of how man’s manifold constitution could be most quickly and most completely regenerated to the point of spiritual illumination constituted the secret, or esoteric, doctrine of antiquity.”

The Gnostics claimed to be the original Christians and they were fervently anti-material, believing in “Christ Consciousness” and the Kingdom of God within. The Gnostics focused on attaining “gnosis” or spiritual knowledge. They refuted claims of blasphemy from the orthodoxy, stating they were the blasphemers. They said the orthodoxy did “not know who Christ is” and read the Bible, especially Genesis too literally, missing the deeper meaning. Orthodox Christians insisted that Jesus Christ was an historical personage who came in the flesh, had 12 apostles, performed miracles, died on the cross, and was resurrected. The Gnostics insisted that their Christ could never take human form.

“Christianity began as Gnosticism, refaced with falsehoods concerning a series of facts alleged to have been historical, but which are demonstrably mythical. By which I do not mean mythical as exaggerations or perversions of historic truth, but belonging to the pre-existant Mythos … It is obvious that the Roman Church remained Gnostic at the beginning of the second century, and for some time afterwards. Marcion, the great Gnostic, did not separate from it until about the year 136 A.D. Tatian did not break with it until long after that. In each case the cause of quarrel was the same. They left the Church that was setting up the fraud of Historic Christianity.” -Gerald Massey, “Gnostic and Historic Christianity

“So Gnosticism was around long before so-called Orthodox Christianity. The conspirators used the word ‘Docetism’ to refer to those who refused to believe in the incarnation of Jesus. The earliest Gnostic-Christians were not even aware of claims that the Christ incarnated in Jesus.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (48)

Unbeknownst to the Gnostics, so-called Orthodox Christians like Pliny, the Roman Piso family and others began to propagate the idea that Jesus Christ was a real person. Soon under Roman law the greatest heresy became the unacceptance of Jesus as being a historical figure. Bishop and patriarch of Alexandria, St. Athanasius wrote, “should we understand sacred writ according to the letter, we should fall into the most enormous blasphemies.” In other words, it is a most enormous sin to read the Bible literally!

“The Docetae sects, for example, are supposed to have held that the transactions of the gospel narrative did occur, but in a phantasmagoria of unreality. This, however, is but a false mode of describing the position of those who denied that the Christ could be incarnated and become human to suffer and die upon the cross. The Christians who report the beliefs of the Gnostics, Docetae, and others, always assume the actual history and then try to explain the non-human interpretation as an heretical denial of the alleged facts. But the docetic interpretation was first, was prehistorical.” -Gerald Massey, “Gnostic and Historic Christianity

Exactly what “phantasmagoria of unreality” these Docetae were referring to will be further explored in the Magic Mushroom chapter. The Brotherhood created the term “Docetism” to pigeon-hole Gnostics and Pagan practitioners inside the kingdom. The Old Testament stories had long existed all over the ancient world but were understood to be metaphorical. For instance the Bible’s first man was “Adam,” while in Egypt “Atum” was the first man, in Babylon he was “Adamu,” in India he was “Adima” and he was always warned against eating the fruit of immortality from the Tree of Life. Like the Bible’s “Eve,” in Tahiti, the first woman “Ivi,” was made from the first man’s bones. Like the Bible’s Cain and Abel, the Tonga creation story says “the son of the first man killed his brother.”

“The Hindu version of the first couple was of Adima and Heva, hundreds if not thousands of years before the Hebraic version, as has been firmly pointed out by Hindus to Christian missionaries for centuries.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (131)

Just like the Tower of Babel, there is a site in Fiji where Fijians claim to have built a tower to the moon to see if it was inhabited. Other versions of the Tower of Babel story are found the world over from Mexico to India. The creation myth as known to the Marquesans in Polynesia mirrors the Biblical version with a serpent, Tree of Life, the fall, and everything. The Polynesians have been cut off from the rest of the world for over 12,000 years, yet their story is almost identical.

In the Hindu Somadeva Bhatta, Saktideva was swallowed by a huge fish, and eventually came out unhurt. In the Grecian myth, Hercules is said to have been swallowed by a whale and laid for three days in his entrails before emerging. Do these remind you of Jonah and the whale? Did you know Sumerian tablets speak of E.DIN as “The Abode of the Righteous Ones” just as the Bible’s Garden of Eden? King Sargon of Sumeria was said to have been set adrift in a basket down a river by his mother 4500 years ago. This is the same story the Bible tells about Moses, but unbeknownst to most Christians, the same goes for Mises in Syria, Minos in Crete, Manou in India, and many more.

“‘Mises’ is found in Syria, where he was pulled out of a basket floating in a river. Mises also had tablets of stone upon which laws were written, and a rod with which he did miracles, including parting waters and leading his army across the sea. In addition, ‘Manes the lawgiver’ took the stage in Egypt, and ‘Minos’ was the Cretan reformer. Jacolliot traces the original Moses to the Indian Manou: ‘This name of Manou, or Manes . . . is not a substantive, applying to an individual man; its Sanskrit signification is the man, par excellence, the legislator. It is a title aspired to by all the leaders of men in antiquity.’” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (169)

“There is no historical evidence for the existence of a man called Moses except in the texts produced by the Levites and other writings and opinions stimulated by those texts … the official background to ‘Moses’ and his name have no historical basis. Nothing was known about the ‘Moses’ story, or the ‘plagues’ inflicted upon the Egyptians, until the Levites of Babylon wrote Exodus centuries after it was supposed to have happened. All the animals of Egypt were killed three times according to the story! What did they do, die and immediately remanifest? There was no murder of the first born of Egypt and so the Feast of the Passover has no historical basis, it was created as a result of a story invented by the Levites. Their references to the lamb’s blood on the doors is code for the ancient symbolism of the lamb. There is no official book in Hebrew which makes any mention of the Pentateuch (the laws of Moses) before the Levites went to Babylon. As for the Israelites being captive in Egypt, even Deuteronomy describes them as ‘strangers’, not slaves, in this period. So where did the name Moses come from? Every initiated person who attained the highest rank in the Egyptian mystery schools was called a Muse, Mose or … Moses. Manetho, the Egyptian historian of the third century BC, quoted by the Jewish historian, Josephus, says that he was a priest at Heliopolis or ON (Place of the Sun), and that afterwards he took the name of Mosheh or Moses. The word Moses means: he who has been taken away, he who has been put out from the waters, who has been made a missionary, an ambassador, an apostle. The Chief Priest in the Egyptian temples was called EOVE or EOVA, hence the emergence of the name Jehovah, and the Hebrew language is really the sacred language of the Egyptian mystery schools.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (83-4)

Long before the Christian era the Greek god Dionysus was said to turn water into wine as well. The Scandinavian god Odin and Marsyas of Mindanao were said to be hung on a tree and stabbed with a spear just as Jesus was said to be crucified and stabbed by Longinus’ spear. Vishnu, Wittoba, and Adonis were all crucified saviors stabbed in the side as well. Christ, meaning “the anointed one” was a term applied to Attis, Adonis, Tammuz, Osiris, Krishna and many other pre-Christian gods. Even the name “Christ” is a variation on KRST (Horus, The Anointed One) or Krishna (commonly spelt “Christna” or “Christos” in Bengali) thousands of years before Jesus supposedly walked the Earth.

“The word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst, and Krish-na, all appeared in every ancient religious system and showed the original Kristo concept was believed to be the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man. The Krist concept has been an ancient religious tradition continually suppressed by the Catholic church through the centuries.” -Tony Bushby, “The Bible Fraud”

“At the Council of Nicea were not only Christian leaders from Alexandria, Antioch, Athens, Jerusalem and Rome but also the leaders of the many other cults, sects and religions, including those of Apollo, Demeter/Ceres, Dionysus/Bacchus/Iasios, Janus, Jupiter/Zeus, Oannes/Dagon, Osiris and Isis, and ‘Sol Invictus,’ the Invincible Sun, the object of Constantine’s devotion. The purpose of this council was to unify the various competing cults under one universal or ‘catholic’ church, which, of course, would be controlled by Constantine and Rome. As noted, Rome claimed the ultimate authority because it purported to be founded upon the ‘rock of Peter.’ Thus, the statue of Jupiter in Rome was converted into ‘St. Peter,’ whose phony bones were subsequently installed in the Vatican. In a typical religion-making move, the gods of these other cults were subjugated under the new god and changed into ‘apostles’ and ‘saints’ … As stated, it is maintained that during the Nicene Council the names Jesus and Christ were put together for the first time in the phrase ‘Jesus Christ’ or ‘Christ Jesus,’ uniting two of the major factions, with Jesus representing the Hesus of the Druids, Joshua/Jesus of the Israelites, Horus/Iusa of the Egyptians and IES/Iesios of the Dionysians/Samothracians, and Christ representing the Krishna/Christos of India, the Anointed of the Jews and KRST of Egypt, among others. It is thus alleged that the phrase ‘Jesus Christ,’ which had never been a name, does not appear in Greek or Latin authors prior to the first Council of Nicea.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (236-7)

There were dozens of historians who lived in the Mediterranean throughout the supposed life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Aulus Perseus, Columella, Justus of Tiberius, Livy, Lucarus, Luctus Florus, Petronius, Phaedrus, Philo Judaeus, Phlegon, Plutarch, Pomponius Mela, Rufus Curtius, Quintillan, Quintus Curtius, Seneca, Silus Italicus, Theon of Smyrna, Valerius Flaccus, Valerius Maximus – None of them so much as mentioned Jesus, his family or his followers. Wouldn’t you think someone who was immaculately conceived, who performed miracles, was revered by thousands and hated by thousands more, someone who was crucified for all our sins then resurrected from death, wouldn’t he be mentioned at least once outside the bible?

“There is no credible evidence whatsoever for the existence of Jesus. No archaeological evidence, no written evidence, nothing. So it is with Solomon, Moses, David, Abraham, Samson and countless other biblical ‘stars’. All we have are the Levite texts and the Gospel stories in their various versions. So desperate did the religious manipulators become to cross reference ‘Jesus’ that they inserted a pathetically obvious addition into the works of the ‘Jewish’ historian, Josephus, to support the unsupportable. More than 40 writers are known to have chronicled the events of these lands during the alleged time of Jesus, but they don’t mention him. A guy who did all the things that he was supposed to have done and no-one records it? Philo lived throughout the supposed life of Jesus and wrote a history of the Judeans which covered the whole of this period. He even lived in or near Jerusalem when Jesus was said to have been born and Herod was supposed to have killed the children, yet he doesn’t record any of this. He was there when Jesus is said to have made his triumphant arrival in Jerusalem and when he was crucified and rose from the dead on the third day. What does Philo say about these fantastic events? Nothing.”  -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (100)

“We don’t want to be unkind, but we want to be factual. We don’t want to cause hurt feelings, but we want to be academically correct in what we understand and know to be true. Christianity just is not based on truth. We find that Christianity was nothing more than a Roman story developed politically.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Zeitgeist

“No scholar believes that Osiris or Jupiter or Dionysus was an historical person promoted to the rank of a god, but exception is made only in favor of Jesus.” -Edouard Dujardin, “Ancient History of the God Jesus”

Justin Martyr (100–165AD) was the first and most distinguished Roman Catholic “apologist” of Christianity. The doctrines of the new religion were so disliked and resisted at its conception, apologists tried to smooth the waves. In “The First Apology of Justin,” he argues that Christianity should be accepted because it is already so similar to existing religions.

“When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding the sons of Jupiter.” -Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin

Entire volumes have been written by Christians comparing Christianity with other Pagan religions. Here Justin Martyr admits the metaphorical (not literal) story of Jesus Christ is precisely analogous to pre-existing beliefs regarding Jupiter.

“And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus. And in that we say that He made whole the lame, the paralytic, and those born blind, we seem to say what is very similar to the deeds said to have been done by Aesculapius.” -Justin Martyr, “The First Apology of Justin

Through the course of the book, Justin Martyr admits that Jesus is analogous to the sons of Jupiter, Mercury, Aesculapius, Bacchus, Hercules, Dioscuri, Perseus, and Bellerophon. He admits their immaculate conceptions, miracles, untimely deaths, and ascents into heaven as symbolically purporting the same thing. He also admits Christianity teaches the same things as poets and philosophers citing Plato, Menander, Sibyl, Hystaspes, and Stoics. Since its inception Christianity never claimed to be historical, biographical, or even original.

“The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.” – US President John Adams

“It has served us well, this myth of Christ.” – Pope Leo X

“This whole affair of which we speak and preach, and which is called Gospel, has no reference at all to any person that ever existed, or events that ever occurred upon earth” – Rev. Robert Taylor, “The Devil’s Pulpit

“The traditional history of Christianity is hopelessly inadequate to the facts. From our research into ancient spirituality it has become obvious that we must fundamentally revise our understanding of Christian origins in the most shocking of ways. Our conclusion, supported by a considerable body of evidence in our book, The Jesus Mysteries, is that Christianity was not a new revelation. It was a continuation of Paganism by another name. The gospel story of Jesus is not the biography of an historical Messiah. It is a Jewish reworking of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osiris- Dionysus, which had been popular for centuries throughout the ancient Mediterranean.” – Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, “The Original Jesus

Characters are often interchangeable within the Bible itself. Joseph in the Old Testament is analogous to Jesus in the New Testament. Joseph was born of a miracle birth, had 12 brothers, one of whom, Judah, suggests the sale of Joseph for 20 gold pieces. Jesus was born of a miracle birth, had 12 disciples, one of whom, Judas, who suggests the sale of Jesus for 30 gold pieces. They both began their work at 30. Are we to believe these are literal people living remarkable, coincidental, analogous existences? Or are they personifications, symbols, metaphors representing the ancients’ wealth of astrological knowledge?

“Jews do not accept Jesus as the Christ or the Messiah. They were the ones in the Middle East; it was their country, their language and their book. If they don’t accept the story, there must be a reason why.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”

“Nay, not only are there no proofs of the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Ezra flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all…How is this possible?” -Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. 3

“It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through its first parentage in Adam and Eve bears the marks of derivation from the primary Egyptian symbolic depiction.” –Alvin Boyd Kuhn, “Ultimate Canon of Knowledge”

Genesis was an ancient sidereal myth taught to Nile temple initiates The very word Genesis means “Genes of Isis,” Isis being the Egyptian version of Mary. The word “Bible” comes from “Buka” reeds used to make papyrus (paper) which grew on the banks of the Nile in Egypt. Another name for Buka was Biblos and this is where we get Book and Bible. The similarities between the Christian and Egyptian religions are practically endless:

The incarnate trinity of Osiris, Horus and Ra, are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of Christianity. The carnate trinity Seb, Isis-Meri, and Horus are analogous to Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Isis and Mary were both virgin mothers commanded to take their sons to Egypt for safety. Seb and Joseph were both carpenters. Seb was the custodian of the mummified dead and Joseph of Arimathea was the keeper of the Corpus Christi. Horus was born in Annu, the place of bread; Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the house of bread. Horus is the gracious child, one of five brethren, brother of Set the betrayer; Jesus is the child full of grace, one of five brothers including Judas the betrayer. Anna came with S’men who held Horus in his arms; Anna the prophetess came with Simeon who held Jesus in his arms. Anup the baptizer was the precursor of Horus, John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus. Horus and Jesus were both baptized at age 30; both called the good Shepard, walked on water and cured the blind. Seven Hathors minister to Horus; seven women minister to Jesus. Horus ascends to heaven from Bakhu, the Mount of the olive tree; Jesus ascends to heaven from Mount Olivet. Horus was the word-made-flesh who giveth light by means of his own body and Jesus the word-made-flesh was the light of the world.

Set and Horus were enemies like Satan and Jesus. Set and Horus contended in the desert on the Ben-Ben Pyramidion; Jesus and Satan contended in the wilderness on the pinnacle. Horus was carried off by Set to the summit of Mount Hetep and Jesus was spirited away by Satan into high mountains. Osiris, whom Horus loved, prays he may be buried speedily, sleeps in and is raised from the tomb in Annu; Lazarus, whom Jesus loved, begs his death be effected quickly, sleeps in and is raised from the tomb in Bethany. Then the mummy Osiris is bidden to come forth by Horus like the mummy Lazarus is bidden forth by Jesus. Petar or Petra was the Egyptian revealer to Horus; Peter was the revealer to Christ. There’s Hermes the scribe and Hermas the scribe, Mati, the registrar and Matthew, the clerk, Herrut the slayer of younglings and Herod the murderer of the innocents. Both religions symbolize the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit. The Egyptian Mysteries are the miracles. The ritual book of resurrection is the book of Revelation. On and on it goes; the similarities between the Egyptian and Christian religions are endless: Baptism, afterlife, judgment, virgin birth, resurrection, crucifixion, ark of the covenant, circumcision, saviors, communion, flood, Easter, Christmas, Passover.

“Egyptian culture was highly influential in the creation of Judaism and Christianity, both of which carnalized and historicized much of the mythos and ritual in their scriptures. Indeed, many scholars have insisted that the Bible is entirely Egyptian …The entire Christian bible, creation legend, descent into and exodus from Egypt, ark and flood allegory, Israelite history, Hebrew prophecy and poetry, Gospels, Epistles and Revelation imagery, all are now proven to have been the transmission of ancient Egypt’s scrolls and papyri into the hands of later generations.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (266)

“In reality, Christianity was the product of a multinational cabal composed of members of a variety of brotherhoods, secret societies and mystery schools, and was designed to empower and enrich such individuals and to unify their empire. To do so, these conspirators took myriad myths and rituals of virtually all the known cultures and combined them into one, producing a godman to beat them all.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (289-90)


The Christian Conspiracy

“We’ve been lied to by every institution. What makes you think for one minute that the religious institution is the only one that’s never been touched? The religious institutions of this world are at the bottom of the dirt. The religious institutions in this world were put there by the same people who gave you your government, your corrupt education, who set up your international banking cartels.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Zeitgeist

“Investigations into the beginnings of religion have accumulated steadily throughout the past half-century. It is only by great efforts of censorship, by sectarian education of an elaborately protected sort, and the like, that ignorance about them is maintained.” -H. G. Wells, “The Fate of Homo Sapiens”

“The most heinous and the cruelest crimes of which history has record have been committed under the cover of religion or equally noble motives.” -Gandhi

The literal MANipulation of HIStory which took us away from our HERitage, began with the Christian churches promotion of Father/Son worship, and their suppression of Mother Nature’s religions. The Brotherhood (notice it’s not the “Sisterhood”) was well aware of the patriarchal/fraternal reverence in the Bible and has always used it to suppress the feminine. The Bible follows primarily male figures, allows only male priests, calls God a “He,” and defines Him as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is little room for worship of the feminine Moon energy in a religion devoted entirely to the Son/Sun. As you will see, the fact that all major religions in the world today (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism) are focused on the male aspect and suppress the feminine, is not a coincidence.

“The sixth century Christian philosopher, Boethius, wrote in The Consolation of Philosophy, ‘Woman is a temple built upon a sewer.’ Bishops at the sixth century Council of Macon voted as to whether women had souls. In the tenth century Odo of Cluny declared, ‘To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure…’ The thirteenth century St. Thomas Aquinas suggested that God had made a mistake in creating woman: ‘nothing [deficient] or defective should have been produced in the first establishment of things; so woman ought not to have been produced then.’ And Lutherans at Wittenberg debated whether women were really human beings at all. Orthodox Christians held women responsible for all sin. As the Bible’s Apocrypha states, ‘Of woman came the beginning of sin/ And thanks to her, we all must die.’” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (115)

In 312 AD Brotherhood psychopath Constantine, a man who murdered his son and boiled his wife alive, was made Emperor of the Roman Empire. He spent the rest of his life using Christianity as a tool to achieve political domination. One day during a battle at Milvian Bridge, Constantine claimed to have seen a vision that converted him to Christianity. He said he saw in the sky a picture of the cross and the words “In this sign thou shalt conquer.” In reality he worshipped the Greek god Apollo and Sol Invictus, never converted to Christianity, and remained Pontifex Maximus of the Pagan Church until the day he died! He did, however, use Christianity and the sign of the cross to conquer his enemies, just as his alleged vision suggested. In a book called, “The Heretics,” Walter Nigg wrote: “Constantine, who treated religious questions solely from a political point of view, assured unanimity by banishing all the bishops who would not sign the new profession of faith. In this way unity was achieved … Not a single bishop said a single word against this monstrous thing.”

“Anyway, as one persecution ended another was soon to begin, as the Roman Church persecuted, burned and tortured anyone who refused to believe in the Christian faith, or even their version of the faith. Tens of millions of people have died in the name of the so-called ‘Prince of Peace’. Appropriately, Constantine murdered his wife and elder son before making the journey in 325 AD to his palace at Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) to decide what Christians to this day must believe.”

After Constantine, Emperor Theodosius continued in his footsteps. In 380 he passed laws making it illegal for anyone to disagree with the Church. In 388 he made a prohibition forbidding any public discussion of religious topics. Then in 391 Christians burned down the great library of Alexandria effectively destroying the entire history of the pre-Christian world. 700,000 papyrus rolls of ancient knowledge/history including Porphyry’s 36 volumes, rolls from 27 Mystery Schools, and all the Gnostic Basilides were lost in a day.

“To get rid of the damning fact that there is no historical basis for their theological fictions, the Christian priesthood have been guilty of the heinous crime of destroying nearly all traces of the concurrent history of the first two centuries of the Christian era. What little of it they have permitted to come down to us, they have so altered and changed, as to destroy its historical value …In the third to sixth centuries, whole libraries were burned, schools and universities destroyed and citizens’ books confiscated throughout the Roman world, on the pretext of defending the church against paganism. Under the early Christian emperors, people were framed by ecclesiastical investigators who planted ‘magical writings’ in their houses, then legally confiscated all possessions. After the Council of Nicea, per the murderous Constantine’s orders, the Christians turned up the heat on censorship, leading to the centuries-long orgy that obliterated millions of texts. One of the greatest crimes in human history was the destruction in 391 of the library at Alexandria perpetrated by Christian fanatics under Theophilus bent on hiding the truth about their religion and its alleged founder. Because of this villainy, we have lost priceless information as to the true state of the ancient world, with such desolation also setting back civilization at least 1,000 years … At some point, a death penalty was enacted for reading unapproved books …Pope after pope continued the assault on books and learning …With all important documents assembled in the monasteries, and the lay public rendered illiterate, Christian history could be forged with impunity.” –Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (250-1) quoting Graham and Walker

“The Fourth Council of Carthage in 398 forbade bishops to even read the books of gentiles. Jerome, a Church Father and early monastic in the fourth century, rejoiced that the classical authors were being forgotten. And his younger monastic contemporaries were known to boast of their ignorance of everything except Christian literature. After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the preeminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, ‘Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth.’ Monastic libraries, the only libraries left, were composed of books of devotion. Even the most significant monastic libraries carried little aside from books about Christian theology.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (48)

The year after Alexandria burned, in 392 the Roman Empire began prohibition of all “Pagan” worship. Note that “Pagan” is a Christian word meaning any and all religions other than Christianity. So in 392, all other religions were officially decreed against the law. In 410 Emperor Honorius continued the policy decreeing: “Let all who act contrary to the sacred laws know that their creeping in their heretical superstition to worship at the most remote oracle is punishable by exile and blood, should they again be tempted to assemble at such places for criminal activities.”

For decades, Pagan temples within the Empire were burned and destroyed. A 386 written protest to the Roman government of Christian pillaging remains, stating: “If they [the Christians] hear of a place with something worth raping away, they immediately claim that someone is making sacrifices there and committing abominations, and pay the place a visit—you can see them scurrying there, these guardians of good order (for that is what they call themselves), these brigands, if brigands is not too mild a word; for brigands at least try to conceal what they have done: if you call them brigands, they are outraged, but these people, on the contrary, show pride in their exploits … they believe they deserve rewards!” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (28)

Even after the destruction of most temples, Rome’s non-Christians continued to practice their pagan religions and hold strong to their beliefs. In response to this the Emperor outlawed the practice of all religions other than Judaism/Christianity and decreed non-compliance punishable by death.

“By 435 a law threatened any heretic in the Roman Empire with death. Judaism remained the only other legally recognized religion. Yet, Jews were isolated as much as possible, with intermarriage between Jew and Christian carrying the same penalty as adultery: the woman would be executed. The Church had triumphed. The belief in but one face of God had led to the legal enforcement of but one religion. Orthodox Christians acted on their belief about God. As they perceived God to control in an authoritarian manner, so they set about finding a way in which they, in God’s name, could exercise similar authoritarian control. To that end, they built an organization that appealed to the government of the Roman Empire by promoting uniformity and obedience.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (29)

Constantine and proceeding emperors used Christianity as an ideological and political unifying/centralizing force to assimilate or destroy everyone into their ever-expanding empire. The death penalty was delivered dictatorially and indiscriminately. The Roman Empire was gaining power and influence when in 540AD the worst plague in known history hit killing an incredible 100 million people. Over 10,000 people a day died in Byzantium alone. Compare this to the infamous 14th century “Black Death” which killed (only) 27 million. Needless to say the plague spelled disaster for the Roman Empire, but not for Christian imperialism.

“The plague had quite different impact upon Christianity. People flocked to the Church in terror. The Church explained that the plague was an act of God, and disease a punishment for the sin of not obeying Church authority. The Church branded Justinian a heretic. It declared the field of Greek and Roman medicine, useless in fighting the plague, to be heresy. While the plague assured the downfall of the Roman Empire, it strengthened the Christian church. After the plague, the Church dominated the formal discipline of medicine. The most common medical practice between the sixth and sixteenth centuries used for every malady became ‘bleeding.’ Christian monks taught that bleeding a person would prevent toxic imbalances, prevent sexual desire, and restore the humors. By the sixteenth century this practice would kill tens of thousands each year. Yet, when a person died during blood-letting, it was only lamented that treatment had not been started sooner and performed more aggressively.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (42)

Following the wake of the plague and the fall of the Roman Empire was the rise of the Christian Church. Following the rise of the Christian Church was the decline of most every other facet of society.

“The Church had devastating impact upon society. As the Church assumed leadership, activity in the fields of medicine, technology, science, education, history, art and commerce all but collapsed. Europe entered the Dark Ages. Although the Church amassed immense wealth during these centuries, most of what defines civilization disappeared … Technology disappeared as the Church became the most cohesive power in Western society. The extensive aqueduct and plumbing systems vanished. Orthodox Christians taught that all aspects of the flesh should be reviled and therefore discouraged washing as much as possible. Toilets and indoor plumbing disappeared. Disease became commonplace as sanitation and hygiene deteriorated. For hundreds of years, towns and villages were decimated by epidemics. Roman central heating systems were also abandoned. As one historian writes: ‘From about A.D. 500 onward, it was thought no hardship to lie on the floor at night, or on a hard bench above low drafts, damp earth and rats. To be indoors was luxury enough. Nor was it distasteful to sleep huddled closely together in company, for warmth was valued above privacy.’ The vast network of roads that had enabled transportation and communication also fell into neglect and would remain so until almost the nineteenth century. The losses in science were monumental. In some cases the Christian church’s burning of books and repression of intellectual pursuit set humanity back as much as two millennia in its scientific understanding … History was rewritten to become a verification of Christian beliefs. Orthodox Christians thought history necessary only in order to place the events of the past into Biblical context.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (41-45)

During the Dark Ages the Church continued gaining wealth and power rapidly becoming a safe-haven for “legalized” corruption and criminality. During this most bleak period of human history at least 40 different Popes are known to have bought their way into the papacy. Leadership was constantly changed as allegations of high-crimes were perpetually surfacing. In the period from 891-903AD alone, the papacy was changed over 10 times.

“The Church amassed inordinate wealth during the Dark Ages. Patrimonial properties, the Church-held lands that were free and clear of taxes or military obligation to the king, made up between one-quarter and one-third of western Europe. In addition to patrimony, bishops often held territories in feudal tenure, obliging them like any count or baron to provide the king with soldiers when called. The Church made money by collecting revenues from imperial rulers, by confiscating property as the result of court judgments, by selling the remission of sins (called ‘indulgences’), by selling ecclesiastical offices (called ‘simony’), and sometimes by simply taking land by force… The Church, now enormously wealthy, interested itself more in collecting money than in relating to its members. The medieval Church’s preoccupation with riches was such that its ten commandments were said to have been reduced to one: ‘Bring hither the money.’ Priests were selected more on the basis of their money than upon any other virtue. A huge disparity developed not only between the clergy and the laity but also between ranks of the clergy.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (51-57)

From 1095-1291 the seven Christian Crusades were a series of religious/military conflicts fought against Muslims, Pagans, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites – any and all political enemies of the Popes. The Crusades recaptured Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and furthered the Christian churches dominance in Europe. Following the Crusades came the Church Inquisition which lasted from the 13th all the way up to the 19th century, killing countless millions in its path. The driving ideology behind the Christian Inquisition was simple: convert or die. Pope Gregory IX in 1231 declared that all heretics be burned to death, citing the Gospel of John 15:6 as justification for the Inquisition’s brutal ideology: “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

In 1231 Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition as a separate tribunal, independent of bishops and prelates. Its administrators, the inquisitors, were to be answerable only to the Pope. Its inquisitional law replaced the common law tradition of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ with ‘guilty until proven innocent.’ Despite an ostensible trial, inquisitional procedure left no possibility for the suspected to prove his or her innocence; the process resulted in the condemnation of anyone even suspected of heresy. The accused was denied the right of counsel. No particulars were given as to the time or place of the suspected heresies, or to what kind of heresies were suspected. A suspected friendship with a convicted heretic was also a crime, yet no information was given as to which heretic the accused was to have ‘adored.’ The names of the accusing witnesses were kept secret. One’s only recourse was an appeal to the Pope in Rome which was so futile as to be farcical. The friar Bernard Delicieux declared that: if St. Peter and St. Paul were accused of ‘adoring’ heretics and were prosecuted after the fashion of the Inquisition, there would be no defense open for them.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (78)

Inquisitors were chosen primarily based on how vigorously they prosecuted heretics. They were prosecutor, judge, and sometimes executioner rolled into one with no checks or balances from any other power. Inquisitors had their own spies, messengers, and assistants who answered only to them, and they answered only to the Pope. In 1244 the Council of Narbonne decreed that no heretic’s wife be spared because of her husband (and vice-versa), no sentence mitigated due to sickness, young or old age, and that every sentence include flagellation. Through sanction from Pope Innocent IV, from 1252 all the way until 1917, using torture to extract confessions was a legal option for the church. Inquisitors dressed in black robes with black cowls over their heads and used many gruesome machines/methods to coerce confessions like the rack, water boarding, and slow roasting while covered in lard.

“Inquisitors grew very rich. They received bribes and annual fines from the wealthy who paid to escape accusation. The Inquisition would claim all the money and property of alleged heretics. As there was little chance of the accused being proven innocent, there was no need to wait for conviction to confiscate his or her property. Unlike Roman law that reserved a portion of property for the convicted’s nearest heirs, canon and inquisitional law left nothing. Pope Innocent III had explained that God punished children for the sins of their parents. So unless children had come forth spontaneously to denounce their parents, they were left penniless. Inquisitors even accused the dead of heresy, sometimes as much as seventy years after their death. They exhumed and burned the alleged heretic’s bones and then confiscated all property from the heirs. Inquisitors rarely shared the money collected with the Episcopal courts, the civil government, or spent it building churches as planned. One historian writes how the inquisitor was often able to ‘seize everything for himself, not even sending a share to the officials of the Inquisition at Rome.’ Inquisitors were reluctant to pay for even the cost of feeding their victims, encouraging the families or the community to pay such costs.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (80)

Countless millions in Europe were tortured and killed for believing or practicing a religion other than Christianity. As soon as Columbus and the colonizers came to America the Inquisition continued all the way down to Mexico and Peru. Christianity’s ideology of a vengeful, controlling, Father-like, singular God provided the perfect spiritual propaganda to militarily conquer those who refused to convert. After the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre killing 10,000 in 1572, Pope Gregory XIII wrote to Charles IX, “We rejoice with you that with the help of God you have relieved the world of these wretched heretics.” The Inquisitor Francisco Pena said in 1578, “We must remember that the main purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to achieve the public good and put fear into others.

The Inquisition was still active in some places as late as 1834. During and after the Inquisition, the Reformation Wars resulted in thousands of Christians killing Christians and the witch hunts condemned many innocent Pagan women to death. This is why the “Holy” Vatican stood by and the Pope did nothing to pacify World Wars I and II. This is why the Vatican helped give Nazi scientists American passports after the war. Beneath a veil of benevolence, the Vatican is not only complicit but one of the driving forces behind the global conspiracy.

“The dark side of Christian history has been and continues to be about the domination and control of spirituality and human freedom. Orthodox Christians built an organization that from its inception encouraged not freedom and self-determination, but obedience and conformity. To that end, any means were justified. Grounded in the belief in a singular, authoritarian and punishing God, orthodox Christians created a church that demanded singular authority and punished those who disobeyed. During the Dark Ages, civilization collapsed as the Church took control of education, science, medicine, technology and the arts. Crusaders marched into the Middle East killing and destroying in the name of the one Christian God. The Inquisition established a precedent in the Middle Ages for the systematic policing and terrorization of society. The Protestant and Catholic Counter Reformation sparked wars where Christians slaughtered other Christians, each convinced that theirs was the one and only true path. And the holocaust of the witch hunts plumbed the depths of horror as it eradicated countless women and men as well as the belief in earth-based divinity.” -Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (185-6)

“From the very beginning of our quest to unravel the Christ conspiracy, we encounter suspicious territory, as we look back in time and discover that the real foundation of Christianity appears nothing like the image provided by the clergy and mainstream authorities. Indeed, far more rosy and cheerful than the reality is the picture painted by the vested interests as to the origins of the Christian religion: To wit, a miracle-making founder and pious, inspired apostles who faithfully and infallibly recorded his words and deeds shortly after his advent, and then went about promulgating the faith with great gusto and success in ‘saving souls.’ Contrary to this popular delusion, the reality is that, in addition to the enormous amount of bloodshed which accompanied its foundation, Christianity’s history is rife with forgery and fraud. So rampant is this treachery and chicanery that any serious researcher must immediately begin to wonder about the story itself. In truth, the Christian tale has always been as difficult to swallow as the myths and fables of other cultures; yet countless people have been able to overlook the rational mind and to willingly believe it, even though they may equally as easily dismiss the nearly identical stories of these other cultures.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (21)

“The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving the world and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves…these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ.” – Thomas Jefferson



“Many have heard of Astrology and Astronomy. But few there are in the west today that have heard of their parent subject – Astro-Theology. We insist that this is not by chance.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”

“Official history has been changed to hide the fact that the world has been controlled by the same interbreeding tribe for thousands of years. This is never more so than with the major religions. They all have inner and outer levels of knowledge. The inner level carries the secrets going back to the ancient Mystery schools of places like Sumer, Babylon and Egypt. These include the secrets of the bloodline and only the chosen few are initiated into this awareness. The outer level is where the secrets are hidden in code and allegory and sold, with a deity, to the masses as the ‘truth’. The New Testament Gospel stories are based on the initiation ceremonies and esoteric secrets – including astrology and Sun worship – that were performed and communicated in the Mystery schools. But they are presented as a literal story to fool the people. The religions, not least Christianity, Judaism and Islam (all spawned from the same source) are carriers of the secrets (inner) and controllers of the people by hiding the secrets with allegedly ‘literal’ stories (outer). The same basic ‘Jesus’ tale of the Son of God who died for humanity was told around the world thousands of years before Christianity.” -David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”

There are actually in total 15 pre-Christian Gods who had traits and stories exactly like Jesus Christ. For example, In 900 BC Krishna was born of a virgin with a star in the East signaling his coming. A tyrant slaughtered thousands of infants trying to kill the new born king. He was a teacher in the temple and a healer who performed miracles, was crucified between two thieves and resurrected from death. Around the same time period in Greece lived the God Attis, born of a virgin on December 25th. He was martyred on a crucifix, died for 3 days and was resurrected. Mithra was a Persian God circa 1200 BC who was born of a virgin on December 25th, traveled around with 12 disciples, performed miracles, died for 3 days and was resurrected. He was called the truth, the light, and was worshipped on Sunday. The very same basic storyline that came out of Constantine’s Council of Nicea in 325 AD already existed for thousands of years.

“Christianity resembled certain elements of Roman belief, particularly the worship of Mithra, or Mithraism. As ‘Protector of the Empire,’ Mithra was closely tied to the sun gods, Helios and Apollo. Mithra’s birthday on December 25, close to the winter solstice, became Jesus’s birthday. Shepherds were to have witnessed Mithra’s birth and were to have partaken in a last supper with Mithra before he returned to heaven. Mithra’s ascension, correlating to the sun’s return to prominence around the spring equinox, became the Christian holiday of Easter. Christians took over a cave-temple dedicated to Mithra in Rome on the Vatican Hill, making it the seat of the Catholic Church. The Mithraic high priest’s title, Pater Patrum, soon became the title for the bishop of Rome, Papa or Pope. The fathers of Christianity explained the remarkable similarities of Mithraism as the work of the devil, declaring the much older legends of Mithraism to be an insidious imitation of the one true faith.” –Helen Ellerbe, “The Dark Side of Christian History” (22-3)

“Everything Christians believe about Jesus, the Romans and Persians believed about Mithra. Sunday was the sacred day for Mithraists because he was a Sun God and they called this The Lord’s Day … The writer, H. G. Wells, pointed out that many of the phrases used by Paul for Jesus were the same as those used by the followers of Mithra. The Liturgy of Mithra is the Liturgy of Jesus. When Paul says: ‘They drank from the spiritual rock and that rock was Christ’ (I Corinthians 10:4), he was using exactly the same words found in the scriptures of Mithra. Only the names were changed. In the Gospels, Peter became the Christian ‘rock’ on whom the new church would be built. The Vatican Hill in Rome was said to be sacred to Peter, but this place was also claimed, much earlier, to be sacred to Mithra and many Mithric remains have been found there!” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (108-9)

All the following pre-Christian deities shared the myth of a virgin birth on December 25th, crucifixion and resurrection: Chrishna of Hindostand, Budha Sakia of India, Salivahana of Bermuda, Zulis and Osiris of Egypt, Odin of the Scandinavians, Crite of Chaldea, Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia, Baal and Taut of Phoenecia, Indra of Tibet, Bali of Afghanistan, Jao of Nepal, Wittoba of the Bilingonese, Thammuz of Syria, Atys of Phrygia, Xamolxis of Thrace, Zoar of the Bonzes, Adad of Assyria, Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam, Alcides of Thebes, Mikado of the Sintoos, Beddru of Japan, Hesus, Eros, and Bremrillah of the Druids, Thor of the Gauls, Cadmus of Greece, Hill and Feta of the Mandaites, Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico, Universal Monarch of the Sibyls, Ischy of the island of Formosa, Divine Teacher of Plato, Holy One of Xaca, Fohi and Tien of China, Adonis of Greece, Prometheus of Caucasus, and Ixion and Quirinus of Rome. (For more info read: “The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors – Christianity Before Christ” by Kersey Graves)

“Were you aware that there were fifteen major religions that had the same identical teachings of Christianity? Most people aren’t. And I’m very suspect of a sixteenth religion which is copied off of fifteen previous religions, and I am told that this one is the truth.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”

“OK, a little quiz. Who am I talking about? He was born to a virgin by immaculate conception through the intervention of a holy spirit. This fulfilled an ancient prophecy. When he was born the ruling tyrant wanted to kill him. His parents had to flee to safety. All male children under the age of two were slain by the ruler as he sought to kill the child. Angels and shepherds were at his birth and he was given gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. He was worshipped as the savior of men and led a moral and humble life. He performed miracles which included healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, casting out devils and raising the dead. He was put to death on the cross between two thieves. He descended to hell and rose from the dead to ascend back to heaven. Sounds exactly like Jesus doesn’t it? But it’s not. That is how they described the Eastern savior god known as Virishna 1,200 years before Jesus is claimed to have been born.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (89)

Why do the same stories, dates, numbers, and symbols show up repeatedly in religious myths and texts all across the ancient world?

“This is related to the winter solstice or midwinter festival when the Sun is at the least powerful point in its cycle in the northern hemisphere. They said that on the solstice, our December 21/22nd, the Sun had ‘died’. Three days later – the 25th – they said the Sun was born or born again. Thus we have a long line of Sun gods given the ‘birthday’ of December 25th. The Jesus of the Gospels is a symbol of the Sun and the stories include a host of other Mystery school knowledge and esoteric concepts.-David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”

“For three days, December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, the Sun rises on the exact same latitudinal (declinations) degree. This is the only time in the year that the Sun actually stops its movement northward or Southward in our sky. On the morning of December 25th the Sun moves one degree northward beginning its annual journey back to us in the Northern Hemisphere, ultimately bringing our spring. Anything steadily moving all year long that suddenly stops moving for three days was considered to have died. Therefore, God’s Sun who was dead for three days, moves one-degree northward on December 25th and is symbolically born again!” -Jordan Maxwell, http://www.jordanmaxwell.com

Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, is the star in the East. On Dec. 24th it aligns with the three brightest stars in Orion’s belt which are called (and have been called since ancient times) the “three kings.” The three kings line up perfectly with Sirius pointing to the exact spot in which the Sun will rise the next morning. The larger constellation in which this takes place was known to the ancients as the “manger” or the “cradle” which is visible just before dawn on Dec. 25th. So the three kings or three magi effectually “follow” the star in the East to the manger, the birthplace of God’s Sun at the Winter Solstice. “Easter” also derives from the Eastern Star Sirius. The three gifts of the magi are Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold. Frankincense is an amber resin that was burned at solar temples, Myrrh was known as “tears of the Sun,” and Gold too long represented the Sun in the ancient world.

The recurrent “virgin” theme represents the constellation Virgo, which is Latin for virgin. “The ancient glyph for Virgo looks like an M which explains the M names of “virgin mothers” like Jesus’ mother Mary, Adonis’ mother Myrra, Buddha’s mother Maya, and Horus’ mother Isis-Meri. Virgo is also called the House of Bread and the zodiacal symbol shows a woman holding a chaff of wheat, representing the August/September time of harvest. Bethlehem also means “House of Bread” and is a reference to the constellation Virgo, not a place on Earth. At its lowest point the sky on Dec. 22nd the Sun resides in the Southern Cross or the Crux, a cross formed by stars symbolizing the crucifixion. After steadily traveling downward since the last solstice, the Sun stops movement at the Southern Crux for 3 days then rises again – the Son dies on the cross and after 3 days is resurrected.

“No people of the ancient world believed the Sun to be God. That belongs in the disinformation file. In point of fact, every ancient culture and nation on Earth have all used the Sun as the most logically appropriate symbol to represent the glory of the unseen Creator of the heavens. Here it is important to remember two points. First, with the exception of Japan, the ancient world mythologies always understood the Sun to be masculine in qualities, and the moon feminine. Second, the English language is derived from the German. In the Germanic, the word Sun is spelled Sonne (Son). The two words can (and have been) used interchangeably … Ancient man saw in his male offspring his own image and likeness, and his own existence as a father was proved by the person of his son. Thus, it was assumed that God’s Sun was but a visible representative of the unseen Creator in heaven. So it was said, ‘when you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father.’ Said another way is ‘The Father is glorified in His Son’ … The ancient peoples reasoned that no one on Earth could ever lay claim of ownership to the Sun. Such a magnificent heavenly body must belong to the unseen Creator of the universe. It became, figuratively speaking, not man’s but God’s Sun. It was only a short hop and skip to the understanding that God’s Sun was ‘The Light of the World’ … Logically even if man himself dies, as long as the Sun comes up each day, life on Earth will continue forever. Therefore, it was said in the ancient texts that everlasting life was ‘the gift’ that the Father gives through his Sun.” -Jordan Maxwell, http://www.jordanmaxwell.com

To ancient man the most dangerous, feared enemy was the unknown darkness of night, thereby making the Sun, the light, heaven’s gift to the world. Without its light we cannot see, without its warmth we cannot move, without its energy our food cannot grow. Our very lives depend on the energy emitting from the Sun, making it our life and savior. God so loves the world that he has given his only begotten Sun so that we may have ever-lasting life. That is why in Deut 4:24 and Heb 12:29 God is “consuming fire in heaven.”

The Prince of Darkness is the Dark Evil, the D-evil, Devil. God is the Good; God’s Sun is the Light of the World, and the Prince of Peace. The Peace he brings is Solace – Solace again from the word Solar, meaning Sun. In the Egyptian personification, the Prince of Darkness was known as “Set” and the Sun was known as “Horus.” So every night at Sun-Set the Dark Prince overtakes the world. But every morning the Sun is born again at Sun Rise, Horus is risen on the Horizon. This is where we get the word “Hero,” the cheer “Hooray!” and also why an interpretation of the zodiac is a Horo-scope.

“At daybreak this wonderful newborn child, God’s Sun is Born Again, Horus is Risen. Even today when the Sun comes up we see it on the ‘Horus-Risen’ or ‘Horizon.’ His life was also divided into 12 parts or steps across Heaven each day: 12 Horus = 12 Hours. This is the origin of the modern 12 Step Program. Horus is the (new-born) Sun, or the Bringer of the Light. In Latin, Light Bringer is Lucis, or Lucifer, or Luke … God’s Sun brought His wonderful light to the world, and distributed it over 12 months. So it was said, God’s Sun had 12 companions, or helpers, that assisted His life-saving work. So it was, God’s Sun had 12 apostles (or months) that followed Him religiously through His life. Incidentally, now you know why the American jury system has 12 jurors who help bring the truth to light, with the ‘Light of Truth’ … Keep in mind God’s Sun symbolically represented the light of truth, but was condemned by His enemies who could not endure the light of truth in their life. When we are confronted with the harsh realities of life, the light of truth, which we do not wish to face, and which runs counter to our views, such truth is judged in your mind, or judged in the temple area of your brain, and put to death in your head! Therefore God’s Sun –The Truth and The Light – is put to death at Golgotha, or Place of the Skull, located somewhere between your ears! This putting to death of the light of truth in your mind is always accompanied by two thieves: Regret for the past and Fear of the future. And of course God’s Sun goes to His death wearing a corona – Latin for Crown of Thorns.” –Jordan Maxwell, http://www.jordanmaxwell.com

So your “temples” or at the Golgatha (which means Place of the Skull), God’s Sun, the light of truth, is judged and crucified along with the two thieves of past and future. The Sun’s corona, the plasma atmosphere around the Sun, is then allegorically used as the Son’s (Latin translation) Crown of Thorns.

Cultures all over the ancient world kept track of time and seasons based on the movement of the Sun. They invented circular sundials and sun calendars which recorded daily and yearly time (lunar calendars recorded months). This method of circular solar-based time keeping was used by the ancient Mexicans, Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Celtics, Aryans and more. Out of these circular, pictorial Sun calendars developed the Holy cross. The Sun is portrayed on a cross – a circle with perpendicular lines intersecting in the middle, the horizontal axis representing the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, the vertical axis representing the Summer and Winter Solstices. This is the reason you often see a circle around Christian, Celtic, ancient and modern crosses.

“Since the Earth experienced 4 different seasons, all the same and equal (in time) each year, the round Sun calendar was divided into 4 equal parts. This is also why we have, in the Bible, only 4 Gospels. Of this point, there can be no doubt. The 4 Gospels represent the 4 seasons which collectively tell the entire story of the life of God’s Sun. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. This is why the famous painting of ‘The Last Supper’ pictures the 12 followers of the Sun in four groups (of three) the seasons!” -Jordan Maxwell, www.jordanmaxwell.com

The Book of Mark is the Book of Mars. The planet/archetype Mars is the ruler of Aries which makes the Book of Mark, in zodiacal terms, the Book of Aries. The word “arise” comes from Aries, as it is the first house of the zodiac where the sun arises during the spring equinox/Easter. Aries month is April which comes from the Latin “aperio,” meaning to open or begin. Just as Aries is the first zodiacal sign, April was (and still is in many cultures) the first month of the calendar year. To the ancients, the spring equinox was a more appropriate calendrical beginning because it is when the day-time hours officially overtake the night-time hours. The Sun is resurrected, its light triumphs over darkness, and Gaia begins to bloom again.

The Book of Luke is the Book of Leo. Luke is Latin for Lucius meaning Light and the House of Light is Leo the Lion. Lions are used the world over to symbolize the Sun and its rays which resemble the lion’s yellow face and flowing mane. Christ (the other Sun symbol) is often called the “Lion of Judaea.”

“In Celtic Ireland the name Leo was Lugh, another solar hero and mystic. In Wales he was Llew, to the Romans Lugus, to the Sumerians Lughal. Its not the same dude on walkabout, it’s the Astrological sign of Leo. In the Christian iconography we have one of the Evangelists represented by a Lion. In the Nativity scenes we see 4 animals around the cradle of the Son/Sun king. One of these is also a Lion. Christians probably believe that there was one in the area and just happened to wander into the inn to take a peek at sleeping Jesus. Good thing it wasn’t very hungry.-Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

The Book of Matthew or Matt is actually Maat, the Egyptian Goddess. Maat is almost always symbolized blindfolded holding the Scales of Justice which relates astrologically to Libra. Libra was the last sign officially added to the zodiac, which is why Matt was the last of the 12 to join. He is also symbolized by the Eagle in Christian iconography because Aquila the Eagle is the closest animal constellation to Libra.

“Maat is pronounced Mayat. She is the Mahat of the Brahmins, the Meath of the Celts, the Tiamat of the Skalds, the Maia of the Romans and the Mara of the pagans. Now in the Bible, we read that Matthew was the disciple that the other 11 did not want to accept. The reason for this was that he was a tax-collector, (perfidious company in any age). However behind all the hyperbole, we have a secret concealed. The symbol of the tax-collectors has always been the scales or balances. This is because they did not only want currency, but they took grain and livestock also, and their lackeys would carry large scales around. It is the same today in rural, eastern communities.” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

Finally, the Book of John is the Book of Aquarius. John is for January which is the month corresponding to Aquarius. The symbol for Aquarius is a man carrying/pouring a pitcher of water which is why we have Baptism and John the Baptist. John’s death by beheading is another astrological allegory whereby on August 29th, John’s (Aquarius’) head/star moves just above the horizon, while the rest of his body/constellation remains below the horizon. At exactly this time, on dusk August 29th, the sun sets in Leo (the kingly sign representing Herod) and so Herod beheads John.

“John comes from Jahan or Jahn, which comes from the earlier Ionnes, Oannes (the Fish god). Jahan or Jahn gives us other names, like Jane, Joan, Janus and even Jasus or Jesus. It eventually gives us the word Jahnuary or January … During January (Aquarius), the Nile waters were the purist, so the Egyptians would collect it for use in telestic rites. The sign of Aquarius became associated with baptism, cleansing and purification by water. This was borrowed by the Israelites and finds its way into the Christian traditions. So now we see the gospels clearly detailed as signs of the zodiac. The sun-king must pass through these signs. They are his ‘chroniclers’ (‘chron’ means time specifically relating to the round of the zodiac). They are his measurers, his ‘Apostles’ (‘post’ means demarcation post, a colure of the zodiac). They are his ‘Disciples’ (‘disc’ means round circle, as is the zodiac).” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.” -Thomas Paine

Why do the chronological events describing the supposed life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament run perfectly parallel to the ancient allegorical understanding of the Sun’s journey through the houses of the zodiac? John 14:2 says that in the Father’s house there are many rooms or many mansions; 12 to be more precise – the 12 houses or rooms of the zodiac. There are also 72 extra-zodiacal constellations known as the paranatellons. This is why Jesus is said to have officially had 12 servants with 72 others that also carried the message. The 72 angels on Jacob’s ladder and the 72 nations in Genesis also relate to these 72 decans, 1 for every 5 degrees of the zodiac. It serendipitously takes 72 years to move 1 degree through the zodiacal precession of the equinoxes. Hence Confucious (6th century BC – China) had 72 initiated disciples and Set (ancient Egypt) had 72 accomplices in the death of Osiris.

“According to legend, Jesus was born in a stable between a horse and a goat, symbols of Sagittarius and Capricorn. He was baptized in Aquarius, the Water-Bearer. He chose his first disciples, fishermen, in Pisces, the sign of the fishes. He became the Good Shepherd and the Lamb in Aries, the Ram. Jesus told the parables of the sowing and tilling of the fields in Taurus, the Bull. In Cancer, ‘the celestial Sea of Galilee,’ he calmed the storm and waters, spoke of backsliders (the Crab), and rode the ass and foal in triumph into the City of Peace, Jerusalem. Jesus was the Lion in Leo. In Libra, Christ was the true vine in the Garden of Gethsemane, the ‘wine press,’ as this is the time of the grape harvest. Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the ‘backbiter,’ or Scorpio. In Sagittarius, Jesus was wounded in the side by the Centaur, or centurion.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (115-6)

Luke 22:10 reads: “Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water … follow him into the house where he entereth in.” This is the symbol of Aquarius – a man bearing a pitcher of water, the end of the age of Pisces. Pisces, our current age, is symbolized by 2 fish. This is why Jesus befriends 2 fishermen when he begins his ministry. In Matt 4:19 Jesus says to Peter, “I will make you fishers of men.” In Matt 14:17 Jesus feeds them with fish saying “We only have five loaves of bread and 2 fish.” Virgo (the House of Bread) is the fifth sign of the zodiac, giving us five loaves of Virgo and 2 Piscean fish. The Piscean dual-fish symbol is found in many old Christian churches and artwork. This is also why we have the Jesus-fish symbol seen on every born-again Christian’s bumper. The word Nun is Hebrew for fish, and if you look closely, turned horizontally, the Pope’s headdress is actually a big fish-head.

“The Christian Mythos coincided with the Age of Pisces. This is the reason why there is much in the way of water symbolism in the New Testament. There is the mention of Baptism, the fact that the disciples were mostly fishermen. Then there is the walking on the water, the washing the feet of the disciples, the feeding of the five thousand with two fish, etc,. The Christians still use the symbol of the fish to symbolize Jesus. The letters of the word Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, in Latin, give the word for fish. The Pope wears the “Ring of the Fisherman,” and the Pope’s headdress is a fish head, from the side. The early Christians were called the “Little Fishes.” In the Old Testament we read about the prophet Jonah being swallowed by the whale or the great fish. All the imagery of the chapters and verses of the New Testament can be related to the Precessional phenomena, as that is what it was composed for in the first place. It was never meant to be a biography.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”

The Precession of the Equinoxes is a 25,920 year cycle the Earth goes through and corresponds with the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign or “age” spans 2160 years. We are currently in the Piscean age, transitioning into the Aquarian. The fact that knowledge of a 25,920 year astrological precession was known to ancient peoples spanning from South America to India suggests both advanced civilization and worldwide travel/communication in prehistoric times. The fact that this knowledge is written into our religions, but suppressed and kept from public view, shows how the Brotherhood continues to conceal information from the masses, and reserves it for only a chosen few, just like in ancient Egypt.

Before the Age of Pisces was the Age of Aries (symbolized by the ram) which is related in the Bible as ending just at the time of Jesus (2160 BC – 0 AD). The Hyksos Pharaohs and priests of Egypt were called the “good shepherds” and their “flocks” were the stars, of which they had great knowledge. Christ is also known as the good shepherd, often depicted carrying a lamb, and there is always a lamb in the nativity scene. Lamb’s blood was smeared on all the doors, meaning the doors to the houses of the zodiac. The sheep/shepherd analogy is also astrological in origin; In fact the genus/species classification for sheep is Ovis Aries.

“Is it a coincidence that Yahweh, God of Old Testament Israel, provided a ram as a substitute for Abraham’s offered sacrifice of his son Isaac? Is it likewise coincidental that rams, in one context or another, are referred to in almost every book of the Old Testament (entirely composed during the age of Aries) but not a single book of the New Testament? And is it an accident that the advent of the Age of Aries, shortly before the beginning of the second millennium BC, was accompanied in Ancient Egypt by an upsurge in the worship of the god Amon whose symbol was a ram with curled horns?” -Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods

Before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus (symbolized by the bull) which spanned from 4320 – 2160 BC ending around the time of Moses. Moses, the new Aries/ram figurehead, represented in Michelangelo’s “Moses” with horns, comes down from Mt. Sinai furious to see everyone worshipping a golden Taurus/calf. In the Bible, Moses is the lawgiver, bringing God’s Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai. In Egypt, Mises carried stone tablets with the laws of God written on them. In India it was Manou and in Crete it was Minos sent to Mount Dicta where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. The exact same story existed in many cultures of the ancient world with Ten Commandments themselves all taken directly out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. In Persian mythology their Aries age hero, Mithra, slays the Taurus bull. And it was also during this precessional epoch that the Bull-cult of Minoan Crete flourished. (Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods)

Before the Age of Taurus was the Age of Gemini (symbolized by the twins) which spanned from 6480 – 4320 BC. The transitional period between Gemini and Taurus is where we get the mythological creature, half-bull half-man, the Minotaur. The labyrinth he guards also relates to astrology and the zodiac. Back even further, the Sphinx correlates with the Age of Leo from 10,800 – 8640 BC. Every morning during the Age of Leo, the Sphinx watched the sunrise in its mirror constellation Leo the lion. The religious iconography flows with astrology because those who propagate it still secretly worship the sun.

“The early Church fathers prohibited astrology and the Great Council of Toledo banned it forever. Nevertheless six hundred years later the dates of the Pope’s coronation were determined by the zodiac, the church hierarchy employed their own astrologers; and signs of the zodiac appeared all over Church furnishings, tiles, doorways, manuscripts and baptismal fonts. The ‘Church’ was sure that the study of astrology would undermine its religion if people thought that the sun, the moon, the stars, the signs of the zodiac and the planets, hold life and death at their own pleasure … and that they rule and govern both the bodies and souls of man. In this scenario the planets and stars should be adored and worshiped as gods, which they are of course. Astrology survives in our western culture because Christianity embraced it with one hand, while condemning it as a devilish art on the other.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”

One needs look no further than the etymology of Christian words to dis-cover the Astrotheological origins. Disc-iples and A-post-les have been explained as astrological terms. Pastor comes from Pa-stor, Pa meaning great or father, Stor or Aster meaning Star. Thus Pastor means the Great Star or the Father Star, our Sun God. Minister and Ministry come from Min and Aster. Min was the common ancient term and root of Moon whereas Aster, Stir, Stor all relate to Star. Thus Minister is Moon-Star. Monastery, monk, and month have the same origin. This is also where we get “Minute.”

“It is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults. This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the three planets associated with time. The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. The minute hand is for Min, the moon and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both round the sun and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet.” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

The word Church comes from the Greek Goddess of deception Circe, who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. The word Amen used at the end of prayer by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews comes from the Pharaoh Amenhotep and the Egyptian God Amen-Ra. Amen was known as “the hidden one” in Egyptian beliefs and could change into other Gods like Osiris and Set at will. Through the solar, lunar, and stellar cults Amen-Ra has found his way into the prayers of billions. As Jordan Maxwell often points out, by ending a prayer with Amen, you are essentially saying “let it be hidden, let it remain unseen.” Amen’s consort was called Ament, which is where we get the New and Old Test-Ament. The obelisk is one symbolic representative of Amen-Ra, found at the Vatican, Washington DC, London, and many other places around the world.

The word Vatican comes from Vaticinia which means “place of divinations” or “place of the sorcerers.” The Vatican actually funds and controls every astronomical telescope and observatory in the world and all findings run through the Vatican before both the public and the scientific communities. Mass derives from the Egyptian Mes, an annual sacred cake ritually baked with Nile riverbank clay. Yule shares roots with the word Wheel, and a Yule log at Winter Solstice represents the full-turn of the zodiacal wheel. The Roman title/name Julius derived from Yule which explains why Julius Caesar was crowned under the God Jupiter at the Winter Solstice. The word Arch in Arch Bishop and Arch Deacon refers to the Sun’s Arch across the sky. Bishop literally means “one who knows the sky,” and Deacon comes from Decan, the three 10 degree sections divided into each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

“The cardinal points are a direct reference to the astrological colures. The Cardinals surround the Pope as the cardinal points surround the sun. The sun casts its rays on the Houses as it passes, turning them crimson. The color worn by the physical Cardinals is red, to symbolize that they are illuminated by their proximity to the Pope, the representative of God on earth. The word Pope, may also be a derivative of the word in Egyptian for the evil serpent Apep, Apophis or Apopsa (See Poop Deck and Pupa, and Pepsi, Pepsid, Dr. Pepper, Sgt. Pepper, etc,).” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

Even the largest Christian Evangelical TV network is called Daystar Corporation. The astrological symbolism, numerology, etymology and mythology is all-pervasive and thoroughly understood by the initiated few.

“What has happened to the ubiquitous celestial mythos? How is it that this information, so widely known in ancient times, is almost completely hidden from the masses today? The answer is that it has been deliberately suppressed, so that the masses would never realize the connection between their cherished gods and the celestial bodies. As demonstrated by Paine, the Masons have known very well the true meaning and importance of astrology, which was considered a sacred science … Astrology and astrotheology were not only known in the ancient world but have constituted an enormous portion of human civilization. Time and again, massive edifices around the globe have been built that are encapsulations of the heavenly story, serving as stellar ‘computers.’ But this astrotheological Masonry was corrupted, as the power mongering historicizers drove its true meaning and religion underground in a vicious quest to subjugate the world and acquire its wealth.”

“Imagine the power you would have to advance an Agenda and manipulate the human race if you knew the cycles of energy from the Sun and other planets and how they were likely to affect human consciousness. You would know when people would be more prone to anger, aggression, fear, doubt and guilt, and therefore when to have your wars, economic collapses and so on. The Brotherhood have always had this knowledge and they use it to great effect today as I shall document.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (56)


Precognition and Dream Psi

Receiving direct knowledge or perception of the future, Precognition, is another common psi ability with a long-standing history. Precognition is usually achieved through prophetic dreams, during deep meditation, or spontaneously received as images in the mind’s eye. The existence of this paranormal ability, however, once again goes against the Newtonian grain and strikes close to the heart of people’s conceptions of time and free will. Because if precognition is real, then the future must in some sense be pre-written and determined.

Time is not at all what it seems. It does not flow in only one direction, and the future exists simultaneously with the past. The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” -Albert Einstein

Both in common experience and in physics, time has generally been considered to be a primary, independent and universally applicable order, perhaps the most fundamental one known to us. Now, we have been led to propose that it is secondary and that, like space, it is to be derived from a higher-dimensional ground, as a particular order.” -David Bohm

When asked to define time, the physicist John Wheeler once replied that time is what stops everything from happening at once. Scientists are still searching for a good definition, because the problem of time is that it doesn’t appear to exist!” -Ervin Laszlo and Jude Currivan, “Cosmos” (68)

I have personally experienced Precognition on a few occasions but none as amazing or memorable as the following. During college I had what seemed to be a normal dream involving myself and my friend, wearing our typical attire, talking outside my dorm about what we wanted to do that day. Now I didn’t remember even having the dream until the next day as my friend and I were approaching my dorm; every word she said started triggering the clearest, most mind-blowing déjà vu as the dream came flooding back to me. We were both wearing the same clothes I’d envisioned, we were standing in the same place, and every word she said was exactly as I had dreamt. Seizing the opportunity to test and manifest this amazing clarity of déjà vu I was experiencing, I quickly blurted out the entire next sentence that I knew she would be saying and matched her word for word in real time! Stunned at my simultaneous telepathic mocking, she abruptly stopped talking and I laughed uncontrollably trying to explain the whole thing.

That and many other precognitive experiences forever changed my perception of the arrow of time. If time is truly linear then we can only remember the past and cannot in any way remember the future. But if it is impossible to remember the future, then what was my dream? How was I able to vividly see and remember the entire scenario in precise detail the night before it happened? I guarantee anyone who felt my paradigm-crushing déjà vu, would agree that this synchronicity was far beyond some quirky coincidence.

Even our most ancient writings pay homage to the premonitory power of dreams, as is evidenced in the biblical account of Pharoah’s dream of seven fat and seven lean cows … The proximity the unconscious mind has to the atemporal realm of the implicate may also play a role. Because our dreaming self is deeper in the psyche than our conscious self – and thus closer to the primal ocean in which past, present, and future become one – it may be easier for it to access information about the future.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (210)

One near-death experiencer described what he saw once the filter of human perception was lifted. He talked of seeing the ‘panoramic view of life’: … everything from the beginning, my birth, my ancestors, my children, my wife, everything comes together simultaneously. I saw everything about me, and about everyone who was around me. I saw everything they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening before, what was happening now. There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such thing as limitation, of distance, of period, of time, of place. I could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously.” –David Icke, “The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy” (55)

President Lincoln dreamt of his own assassination a week before he died. British Aeronautics Engineer J.W. Dunne documented several prophetic dreams come true in his 1927 book “An Experiment with Time.” There are even 19 documented cases of people who precognitively saw the sinking of the Titanic. Some by passengers who acknowledged their premonitions and survived, others by passengers who ignored their intuition and drowned, and others still by non-passengers.

Swedish scientist/mystic Emanuel Swedenborg had a gift for precognition and documented many independently verified examples. One evening, on June 19th, 1759 upon arriving at a dinner party in Goteborg, Swedenborg had a vision of Stockholm burning 300 miles away. He told everyone in attendance including the mayor about the blazing fire and that it had stopped only 3 doors from his home. The next day a messenger from Stockholm arrived and confirmed Swedenborg’s incredible vision.

Dutch psychic Gerard Croiset was well-known for the several “chair tests” he accurately predicted. First the experimenter randomly selected a chair from the seating plan of some upcoming public event in a large theater, stadium, or auditorium anywhere in the world. There could be no reserved seating to prevent possible collusion or trickery. Then without telling him the name, the location or the event, knowing only the date and seating plan, Croiset consistently gave accurate and detailed descriptions of the people who would be sitting in any given chair. Over the course of 25 years numerous investigators in Europe and America were stunned by Croiset’s accurate predictions including specifics like gender, dress, features, occupation, and personality.

For instance, on January 6, 1969, in a study conducted by Dr. Jule Eisenbud, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School, Croiset was told that a chair had been chosen for an event that would take place on January 23, 1969. Croiset, who was in Utrecht, Holland, at the time, told Eisenbud that the person who would sit in the chair would be a man five feet nine inches in height who brushed his black hair straight back, had a gold tooth in his lower jaw, a scar on his big toe, who worked in both science and industry, and sometimes got his lab coat stained by a greenish chemical. On January 23, 1969, the man who sat down in the chair, which was in an auditorium in Denver, Colorado, fit Croiset’s description in every way but one. He was not five feet nine, but five feet nine and three-quarters.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (207)

Psi-researcher Dean Radin highlighted the interesting case of Anne Ring in his “Entangled Minds” book. She sent him the following in a letter: “Many years ago I had a very strange dream concerning my father. I dreamt that he was decorating the house (the way we do in England – or used to – with paper chains, holly, etc.). Except the decorations he was using were not the type used for Christmas. Suddenly he sat down on a chair and collapsed and he died. I woke up crying so loudly that it woke up my husband. I looked at the clock and it was exactly 2 a.m. California time. I told my husband the dream and he just said, ‘Well it’s nothing, you are always having strange dreams, go back to sleep.’ But the dream had disturbed me and it took a long while for me to get back to sleep. The following morning was Thanksgiving Day and as I was preparing the meal the telephone rang and it was my brother calling from London to say my father had died. It was a terrible shock because I had seen him in May of that year and he was in robust health (in fact, he had not ever been ill or in hospital in his life). I asked my brother when it had happened and he replied that our stepmother had just called him and told him it had happened at 10 a.m. London time: The exact moment that I had the dream (2 a.m. California time). By the way, he was putting up decorations because it was his wedding anniversary to my stepmother and they were going to have a party that night.”

How shall we interpret this experience? Is it a poignant coincidence or is it a case of genuine clairvoyance? This was the one and only time Mrs. Ring ever had a dream like this, and it contained details and timings that matched real-world events. I’ve been told similar experiences by professors at major universities, by program directors at the NSF, and by generals in the Army. These are not naïve people prone to fantasy. They appreciate the difference between meaningless coincidence and genuinely exceptional events.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (105)

The most rigorous scientific study of dream psi ever took place at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. Over the course of several years, Psychologists Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner ran hundreds of in-house and at-home dream sessions with thousands of volunteers. Experiments usually involved trying to predict random images chosen by computer and displayed overnight in a locked room at the dream lab. Each day volunteers attempted to dream of tomorrow’s picture then recorded their impressions for Ullman and Krippner to cross-check. In 2003 when British psychologists Simon Sherwood and Chris Roe performed a meta-analysis of all the Maimonides dream psi results they found that the overall hit rate was associated with odds against chance of 22 billion to 1.

In his work at the Dream laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center, Montague Ullman, along with psychologist Stanley Krippner and researcher Charles Honorton, produced compelling evidence that accurate precognitive information can also be obtained in dreams. In their study, volunteers were asked to spend eight consecutive nights at the sleep laboratory, and each night they were asked to try to dream about a picture that would be chosen at random the next day and shown to them. Ullman and his colleagues hoped to get one success out of eight, but found that some subjects could score as many as five ‘hits’ out of eight. For example, after waking, one volunteer said that he had dreamed of ‘a large concrete building’ from which a ‘patient’ was trying to escape. The patient had a white coat on like a doctor’s coat and had gotten only ‘as far as the archway.’ The painting chosen at random the next day turned out to be Van Gogh’s Hospital Corridor at St. Remy, a watercolor depicting a lone patient standing at the end of a bleak and massive hallway exiting through a door beneath an archway.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (206)

Other evidence such as psychic “forced-choice” experiments also supports the idea that we can see into the future. These entail having participants guess the outcome of future events with calculable possibilities like what playing card will turn up or what dice number will roll. In 1989 the Maimonides Center’s Charles Honorton and Diane Ferrari published a meta-analysis of all forced-choice precognition experiments conducted since 1935. They found 309 studies with 50,000 participants totaling 2 million trials where the time between prediction and event ranged from milliseconds to a year. The results were surprisingly positive with odds against chance of ten million billion billion to one.

One of the most convincing and astonishing proofs of precognition was discovered when University of Amsterdam’s Dr. Dick Bierman hooked several poker players to electrodermal instruments to test learned responses in gambling addicts. He found that they all registered rapid changes in electrodermal activity just before being handed their cards. Not only this but the differences in EDA corresponded with the type of cards being drawn. When about to receive a bad hand participants showed physiological activity indicating a heightened fight or flight response. When about to receive a favorable hand their EDA calmed towards a relaxation response. This indicates that on a subconscious physiological level, somehow we already “know” the future.

Building on Bierman’s work, Dean Radin also hooked volunteers up to electrodermal and other physiological instruments (heart rate, blood pressure, skin conductivity etc.) to test for recordable physical effects of anticipating future stimuli. In his experiment volunteers would click a mouse button, wait 5 seconds, view a random picture displayed on their monitor for 3 seconds, then watch as the screen went blank for 10 seconds and began again. The images randomly shown were either tranquil photos such as landscapes and nature scenes or disturbing photos such as autopsies and erotica.

As expected, the participant’s body would calm down immediately after he or she observed the tranquil scenes, and become aroused after being confronted by the erotic or disturbing. Naturally, study participants recorded the largest response once they’d seen the photos. However, what Radin discovered was that his subjects were also anticipating what they were about to see, registering physiological responses before they’d seen the photo. As if trying to brace themselves, their responses were highest before they saw an image that was disturbing. Blood pressure would drop in the extremities about a second before the image was flashed.” -Lynne McTaggart, “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,” (169)

The idea of presentiment assumes that we are constantly and unconsciously scanning our future, and preparing to respond to it. If this is true, then whenever our future involves an emotional response, we’d predict that our nervous system would become aroused before the emotional picture appears … As expected, skin conductance reacted 2 to 3 seconds after the presentation of an emotional stimulus, and the expected differences between the calm and emotional responses were clearly evident. But the presentiment effect, which was predicted to occur before the stimulus, was also observed … The skin-conductance levels were virtually identical before the button press, but as soon as the button was pressed they began to diverge in accordance with the future stimulus.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (166-7)

Nobel laureate Kary Mullis had the opportunity to participate in Dean Radin’s presentiment experiment and was quite impressed with the results. He went on National Public Radio’s May 1999 Science Friday program afterwards stating, “I could see about 3 seconds into the future. It’s spooky. You sit there and watch this little trace, and about three seconds, on average, before the picture comes on, you have a little response in your skin conductivity which is in the same direction that a large response occurs after you see the picture. Some pictures make you have a rise in conductivity, some make you have a fall. He’s done that over and over again with people. That, with me, is on the edge of physics itself, with time. There’s something funny about time that we don’t understand because you shouldn’t be able to do that.”

In 2004 psychophysiologist Rollin McCraty replicated Bierman and Radin’s experiments and published his results in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. With odds against chance of 1000 to 1 he found that heart rate significantly slowed before future disturbing pictures and that the brain responded differently before the two different types of stimuli.

Lest we forget what’s going on in this experiment, it’s useful to be reminded what these results mean: The brains of both men and women were activated in specific areas before erotic pictures appeared, even though no one knew in advance that those pictures were about to be selected. In other words, the brain is responding to future events. Given the controversial nature of this claim, Bierman discussed in detail alternative explanations for these results … He concluded that the fMRI results were valid, and in agreement with the other studies based on skin-conductance and heart and brain measures … When you step back from the details of these studies, what you find is a spectacular body of converging evidence indicating that our understanding of time is seriously incomplete. These studies mean that some aspect of our minds can perceive the future. Not infer the future, or anticipate the future, or figure out the future. But actually perceive it.” -Dean Radin, “Entangled Minds” (179)

In ordinary states of consciousness and without the aid of technology most people are able to remember the past but not the future. This has led to the philosophical idea of an “arrow of time” shooting from past to future with us riding along the present. In altered states of consciousness or with the aid of technology, however, many people, myself included, have been able to experience and remember future events in detail. Perhaps then it is more likely that time, as our ancient ancestors believed, is cyclic and infinite, not straight and finite. It seems that ultimately, our consciousness exists outside of this time/space/matter explicate hologram and therefore under the right conditions has the ability to access and experience anything in the implicate. Physicist David Bohm concurred and wrote that, “when people dream of accidents correctly and do not take the plane or ship, it is not the actual future that they were seeing. It was merely something in the present which is implicate and moving toward making that future. In fact, the future they saw differed from the actual future because they altered it. Therefore I think it’s more plausible to say that, if these phenomena exist, there’s an anticipation of the future in the implicate order in the present. As they used to say, coming events cast their shadows in the present. Their shadows are being cast deep in the implicate order.”

Such incidents strongly suggest that the future is not set, but is plastic and can be changed. But this view also brings with it a problem. If the future is still in a state of flux, what is Croiset tapping into when he describes the individual who will sit down in a particular chair seventeen days hence? How can the future both exist and not exist? Loye provides a possible answer. He believes that reality is a giant hologram, and in it the past, present, and future are indeed fixed, at least up to a point. The rub is that it is not the only hologram. There are many such holographic entities floating in the timeless and spaceless waters of the implicate, jostling and swimming around one another like so many amoebas. ‘Such holographic entities could also be visualized as parallel worlds, parallel universes,’ says Loye. Thus, the future of any given holographic universe is predetermined, and when a person has a precognitive glimpse of the future, they are tuning into the future of that particular hologram only. But like amoebas, these holograms also occasionally swallow and engulf each other, melding and bifurcating like the protoplasmic globs of energy that they really are. Bohm’s and Loye’s descriptions seem to be two different ways of trying to express the same thing – a view of the future as a hologram that is substantive enough for us to perceive it, but malleable enough to be susceptible to change. Others have used still different words to sum up what appears to be the same basic thought. Cordero describes the future as a hurricane that is beginning to form and gather momentum, becoming more concrete and unavoidable as it approaches. Ingo Swann, a gifted psychic who has produced impressive results in various studies, including Puthoff and Targ’s remote-viewing research, speaks of the future as composed of ‘crystallizing possibilities.’ The Hawaiian kahunas, widely esteemed for their precognitive powers, also speak of the future as fluid, but in the process of ‘crystallizing,’ and believe that great world events are crystallized furthest in advance, as are the most important events in a person’s life, such as marriage, accidents, and death.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (211-212)

Time, then, is much like a hologram that already stands complete; it’s a subjective sensory effect of a progressively moving point of view. There’s no beginning or end to a hologram, it’s already everywhere, complete – in fact, the appearance of being ‘unfinished’ is part of its completeness. Even the phenomenon of ‘unfoldment’ itself reflects a limited point of view: There is no enfolded and unfolded universe, only a becoming awareness. Our perception of events happening in time is analogous to a traveler watching the landscape unfold before him. But to say that the landscape unfolds before the traveler is merely a figure of speech – nothing is actually unfolding; nothing is actually becoming manifest. There’s only the progression of awareness … In fact, this is a holographic universe. Each point of view reflects a position that’s defined by the viewer’s unique level of consciousness … A hologram, we might say, is in and of itself a process. There’s nothing fixed in a three-dimensional hologram. And what then of a four-dimensional hologram? It would include all possible instances of itself simultaneously. To change seems to be to move through time, but if time itself is transcended, then there’s no such thing as sequence. If all is now, there’s nothing to follow from here to there.” -David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., “Power Vs. Force” (232-239)